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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 9, 2020

All I Need Is To Go To Scotland To Find My Old Self Again Shirt

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 As a key point, I would also All I Need Is To Go To Scotland To Find My Old Self Again Shirt add. That he deducted millions in legal fees paid to lawyers. Who represented Don Jr in relation to the “Hillary dirt” meeting. The IRS says that businesses cannot deduct legal fees paid to defend charges that arise from participation in a political campaign. Thanks for summarizing. I think many people are missing the implications of the story and are focusing on the fact that they “paid more than the billionaire president”. He’s cooking the books. People are complaining about our tax system. Buy it: All I Need Is To Go To Scotland To Find My Old Self Again Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Brothers In Christ Brother In Christ Is A Brother For Life Shirt

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 Yes, even my own feelings, as to Brothers In Christ Brother In Christ Is A Brother For Life Shirt where the world is. Where the world is going, and that can change rapidly from day to day. Then you have a September 11th, and you don’t feel so good about yourself. And you don’t feel so good about the world and you don’t feel so good about New York City. Then you have a year later, and the city is as hot as a pistol. Even months after that it was a different feeling. So yeah, even my own feelings affect my value to myself. Wouldn’t be surprised if we found out that he’s broke as or not nearly as rich as he claims to be. Buy it: Brothers In Christ Brother In Christ Is A Brother For Life Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Nice Sabotage Shirt

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 The tax code says you can take Nice Sabotage Shirt tax deductions for businesses if an expense is regular and/or necessary to sustain the business or generate income. Let’s say he pays a hairstylist 3 times a week $500 each time to style his hair (I don’t actually know what he did). He says this is a necessary expense for his television show. I need my hair done or I won’t make money. As long as he, on average, shows more income that deductions, the IRS will allow it (see hobby-loss rules). 3 out of 5 years need to show income as a rule of thumb. You can quickly see how this would be abused. Buy it: Nice Sabotage Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Official Bulba Fett Shirt

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 Okay, so I’m not American, nor Official Bulba Fett Shirt do I pretend to understand American tax laws. But how the fuck can he live in luxury AND pay less tax than people living from paycheck to paycheck AND not be in jail? Is what he’s doing actually within the bounds of the law? Is he committing tax fraud? I get the business loss stuff to an extent but it’s not like it’s affecting his standard of living even remotely is it? An egotistical billionaire from New York City convincing working-class people in the South and Midwest that he is their champion has got to be one of the biggest cons of all time. Buy it: Official Bulba Fett Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Perfect All I Need Is Coffee And Scissors Shirt

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 How about Perfect All I Need Is Coffee And Scissors Shirt the part where he wrote off $747,622 in “consulting fees” paid to an un-named consultant for work on two hotels in Hawaii and Vancouver. Guess who the consultant was? Ivanka Trump paid through a consulting company she co-owns. That number exactly matches a dollar amount listed on her White House Staffer public disclosure forms. That’s how his father transferred wealth to his kids while Trump was growing up. He would just have his kids own the company that supplied his properties and then overpay for w/e it was he needed to keep them running. Buy it: Perfect All I Need Is Coffee And Scissors Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Redhead Girl If My Mouth Doesn’t Say It My Face Definitely Will Shirt

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 Probably something like taxes is Redhead Girl If My Mouth Doesn’t Say It My Face Definitely Will Shirt theft & Trump is smart for figuring out a way to not pay them. Which I expected but let’s see if the poor rabble buys it. When it comes to money ppl are really the same. They won’t be happy about it. They might not care though and vote for him anyway to own the libs or something but this doesn’t help him. Prepare for a gold medal performance in mental gymnastics. They’re already saying they don’t care and that “all wealthy people do this.” Their cult leader can do no wrong. The tax code is rife with loopholes. One is that you can take real estate losses and depreciation right away, and not pay taxes on the gains until you sell the property. Buy it: Redhead Girl If My Mouth Doesn’t Say It My Face Definitely Will Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Top Trump 2020 I’ll Be Back Shirt

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 If he is indicted after serving as Top Trump 2020 I’ll Be Back Shirt President, he most certainly will be dragged out by Federal Marshalls. If I were him, I’d be fucking terrified of leaving the white house and losing executive privilege. Stay in the white house, you’re the most powerful person in the western hemisphere. Leave, you’ll either go to jail, get ricin from your angry lenders, or both. This is Trump’s last stand. He may be a moron but even he knows when his neck is on the line. So he doesn’t support the troops. He doesn’t serve. He doesn’t pay taxes. What exactly are Donald  Trump’s values? Buy it:  Top Trump 2020 I’ll Be Back Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Waiting On Pharmacy To Send Meds #Nursesbelike Shirt

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 That part of the country probably thinks this refers to Waiting On Pharmacy To Send Meds #Nursesbelike Shirt what they pay/get back in April. My girlfriend made 32,000 and had to pay 4500 in taxes as a self-employed home health care worker. At that income, she should pay 0 in federal taxes because she needs every dollar to survive. But unfortunately, the tax burden is pushed to the “middle class” and poor in this country so rich folks can buy extra yachts. I am a firm believer that everybody making less than ~45k should pay no federal taxes, seriously. Their contributions to the overall federal budget are minuscule anyways. Buy it: Waiting On Pharmacy To Send Meds #Nursesbelike Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

We Don’t Stop Playing Because We Grow Old We Grow Old Because We Stop Playing Shirt

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 Conservatives, who We Don’t Stop Playing Because We Grow Old We Grow Old Because We Stop Playing Shirt fall over themselves waving flags, calling themselves patriots, and saying they’d die for this country, will be out in force to defend ducking taxes (AKA tax fraud) as “just smart business”. Also, there’s zero chance that anyone else on the planet could get a security clearance with half a billion dollars in debt. They need to get him for election financial fraud while they’re at it. His campaign donations also pay Trump family members “consulting” fees. Buy it: We Don’t Stop Playing Because We Grow Old We Grow Old Because We Stop Playing Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

West Virginia Girl Underestimate Me That’ll Be Fun Shirt

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 Using write-offs and West Virginia Girl Underestimate Me That’ll Be Fun Shirt rebates works when your business is having a hard year and it is smart to do, doing it for 15 years straight begs the question of how your businesses defy gravity while never making money(and another important distinction lost on r/conservative is not a zeroing out it’s his businesses reporting 100s millions in losses YOY). It’s simply tax fraud he’s stealing from the government And YOU. This is why he’s trying to CHEAT to win the election. He knows he’s broke. He knows jail is the only option if he loses so he’s cheating to try to win. Buy it: West Virginia Girl Underestimate Me That’ll Be Fun Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

I Am A Simple Woman Chicken Wine Dog Paw And Flip Flop Shirt

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 The user interface on I Am A Simple Woman Chicken Wine Dog Paw And Flip Flop Shirt the control panel was horribly designed as was just a bunch of links. Looking at it, I’m surprised that this false alert hasn’t happened before. This writeup doesn’t seem right, the guy who did it said he pushed that it was really on purpose. Because the message contained “this is not a drill” and he didn’t hear the “exercise exercise exercise”. At the beginning of the message not blaming our excusing anyone else. But what kind of moron says “this is not a drill” in a drill? That’s just asking for trouble. That was a weird way to start a day. Buy it: I Am A Simple Woman Chicken Wine Dog Paw And Flip Flop Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Yes He’s Cycling I Don’t Know When He’ll Be Home He’s Not An Imaginary Shirt

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 And Yes He’s Cycling I Don’t Know When He’ll Be Home He’s Not An Imaginary Shirt then the FBI shows up on your doorstep because there are paper trails due to AML/KYC laws, you get arrested for market manipulation, forced to pay the ill-gotten gains to the government plus penalties, and are thrown in a federal penitentiary for 25 years. But other than that, flawless plan.to be fair. If you’re talking about what I think you’re talking about and if I remember correctly. They only aired the “this is fake” part at the beginning and a lot of people started listening after that. I literally saw a video of a man get lit up point-blank in the back as he tried to get into his vehicle. Isn’t this what people are protesting? Buy it: Yes He’s Cycling I Don’t Know When He’ll Be Home He’s Not An Imaginary Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Raab Boris Cummings Gove Shapps Hancock Patel Reesmogg Sunak Shirt

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 Things get Raab Boris Cummings Gove Shapps Hancock Patel Reesmogg Sunak Shirt pretty bad pretty quickly. If people lose faith in the institutions that keep our society ordered. Look at Kenosha and Minneapolis. He pointed a more powerful microwave transmitter at the receiver for the broadcast transmitters than the legit broadcast signals used. The receiver then locked onto his pirate signal (since it was stronger) and sent it out over the air. I saw both of them live: one on WGN during their local news and the other a while later on WTTW during Dr. Who. It was bizarre. The wall of isolation is nice and you can speak openly. I’m very happy you made it and I follow your advice closely, always try to help however I can. They were babies when I started having suicidal thoughts. But I kept thinking, they’ll never get to know me if I kill myself. Buy it: Raab Boris Cummings Gove Shapps Hancock Patel Reesmogg Sunak Shirt   Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom ...

Good Expandiendo La Vision SEN Shirt

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 Fun fact from Good Expandiendo La Vision SEN Shirt an almost Electrical Engineer (purely for informational purposes- I do not recommend doing this) With some of the same equipment you would use to take over stations as you described, you can also use a CB radio to broadcast a signal that can short out speakers. I will not describe how it is extremely illegal and should never be done, but it is an entertaining concept nonetheless. Electronics are very interesting. Dang, that’s sick. I figured something like this would work because my Bluetooth speaker’s manual says. That it has to accept radio interferences by law (I don’t know why that is, I guess it has something to do with security). Buy it: Good Expandiendo La Vision SEN Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Hippie Lips I Am Who I Am Whisper Words Of Wisdom Your Approval Isn’t Needed Shirt

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 What’s preventing someone from Hippie Lips I Am Who I Am Whisper Words Of Wisdom Your Approval Isn’t Needed Shirt using directional broadcast gear to locally overpower. A station in which another major station is listening. To and tricking their equipment into rebroadcasting whatever message you have to say? Here’s nothing preventing someone from doing that (and, in fact, there have been many occurrences. Of someone ‘hijacking,’ a TV broadcast as a prank or as; the only real technological restriction is that the equipment has. I have kind of a similar situation. My aunt on my dad’s side killed herself. I’ve never known her but every single person in my family who knew her said. I resemble her in every way, from looks to her introversion. Buy it:  Hippie Lips I Am Who I Am Whisper Words Of Wisdom Your Approval Isn’t Needed Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Only Old People Know How To Rock ZZ Top Signatures T-Shirt

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 My idea was to Only Old People Know How To Rock ZZ Top Signatures T-Shirt over broadcast a major station being picked up by a smaller station as the source of the EAS. The person doing this would locate the receiving antenna. The smaller station and broadcast a high-powered directional signal at it. You don’t have to overpower the major station as a whole. Just locally in a small area with a directional antenna. Actually, they don’t need very powerful equipment at all. If they get close enough to the SECONDARIES with enough transmitters at the same time, they can blanket an area anyway. You face heavy heavy fines for broadcasting profanity on the radio. This applies even if it was a caller or otherwise someone who isn’t your employee. Buy it:  Only Old People Know How To Rock ZZ Top Signatures T-Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Pretty Donald Trump Lock Him Up Shirt

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 My hometown radio station once Pretty Donald Trump Lock Him Up Shirt played “At A Medium Pace” for far too long (e.g, past the first two lines). Right about the time that Sandler was asking to have a shampoo bottle shoved up his ass. They went to dead air for about 30 seconds. Rumor around town was a disgruntled station tech who swapped. The commercials track with the song, took a dump on his desk, and quit. I always wondered what happened to them after that. It’s not a live rebroadcast, there’s a machine called an ENDEC that monitors the EAS origination stations. Buy it: Pretty Donald Trump Lock Him Up Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Never Pick A Fight With A Woman Older Than 40 They’Ll Put You In The Trunk And Help People Look For You Shirt

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 Stations typically Never Pick A Fight With A Woman Older Than 40 They’Ll Put You In The Trunk And Help People Look For You Shirt monitor 3 stations: 1. NOAA all-hazards radio (National Weather Service) 2. The AM PEP (Primary Entry Point) station 3. The FM PEP station. If you could somehow get your message on one of those stations, it might be forwarded by other stations. The tones you hear at the beginning of an EAS activation are actually encoded data. That tells what kind of alert it is, among other information. Most radio stations are automated and their ENDEC boxes are set to filter out. Everything that isn’t a life-threatening event (basically just tornado warnings). Buy it: Never Pick A Fight With A Woman Older Than 40 They’Ll Put You In The Trunk And Help People Look For You Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Las Brujas Solian Montar Escobas Ahora Montan Motocicletas 2020 Shirt

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 The intrinsic Las Brujas Solian Montar Escobas Ahora Montan Motocicletas 2020 Shirt properties of FM stations verse AM stations rely on their frequency ranges. AM around 1000Khz and FM around 90 Mhz in America means the AM is a lower frequency. Lower frequencies can bounce and travel further than higher ones. Not just “physical” ones, but also atmospheric in nature like humidity and weather conditions can also affect range and clarity. Source: infantry marine with a lot of comm experience as a section leader/squad leader. And a senior electrical engineering student with the desire to get into the communications tech industry. Buy it: Las Brujas Solian Montar Escobas Ahora Montan Motocicletas 2020 Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Nice If You Ain’t Nasty Don’t At Me Shirt

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 I was suicidal and taking Xanax but I took too much on Nice If You Ain’t Nasty Don’t At Me Shirt accident, I could feel a weight on my chest type of feeling. I was scared shitless from it. The day after when I finally felt like I was able to do something I adopted a puppy. She’s been my reason to get up in the morning for over a year. I’m so glad that caring for a dog helped you in that way. I struggle a LOT with suicidal thoughts and I have pretty severe bipolar disorder. I want so desperately to adopt a dog because I KNOW it will improve my mental health significantly. Dogs have always had such a huge impact on my life. Buy it: Nice If You Ain’t Nasty Don’t At Me Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Skeleton Man Play Guitar Day Of The Dead Shirt

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 Came in expecting a bunch of Skeleton Man Play Guitar Day Of The Dead Shirt hate being directed at Biden. And Harris and as usual the Reddit goon squad didn’t disappoint. A blind ferret and a spoiled container of yogurt. Should be better qualified to run the country than the shit stain currently in the White House. Biden and Harris would be a fucking huge improvement to the shit show all Americans are currently living through. If you are a democrat or just a freedom-loving human, you should be behind Biden and Harris if for no other reason than we need that orange-tinted human Cheeto out of the office and in jail. Buy it: Skeleton Man Play Guitar Day Of The Dead Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Mexico Sugar Skull Dia De Muertos Day Dead Shirt

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 Reading through these comments feels Mexico Sugar Skull Dia De Muertos Day Dead Shirt like self-harm. Never really mattered who he picked for VP. Trump is a threat to well-being everywhere and needs to be voted out of office. The trolls have come out of the woodwork again to dis and confuse anyone they can. Whomever Biden picks is exponentially better than the current administration. There are bots in here talking and complaining about other bots. Remember… the more right-wingers here jump in to bash his pick, the more concerned they are that she’s a strong contender. Surprised by the negative comments here. As bad as things have been, especially this year, this is a no brainer. Buy it:  Mexico Sugar Skull Dia De Muertos Day Dead Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Skull Day Dead Happy Halloween Shirt

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 Voting for Biden isn’t just voting for Skull Day Dead Happy Halloween Shirt Biden and against trump. It’s also voting for a new secretary of education and against Betsy DeVos. And for a new attorney general and against William Barr. And for justice Ginsberg’s eventually vacant seat. Can’t speak for everyone here but I’m not voting to shame you – I’m in the same place you are it sucks and shakes my faith that it was possible and easy for any party to just dismiss someone (twice) as they did Bernie. But we gotta move on and do the best we can with what we have for right now and worry about revolution after that. Buy it:  Skull Day Dead Happy Halloween Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Feliz Dia Muertos Skeleton Man Play Guitar Day Dead Shirt

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 If you out Feliz Dia Muertos Skeleton Man Play Guitar Day Dead Shirt here saying you’re not voting for Biden cause he picked Harris. Just admit you weren’t going to vote for him in the first place. Is this the ticket I wanted? Hell but its the ticket. I’m going to vote for because the other ticket or not voting is going to have worse consequences. I would have preferred Warren, but I understand the choice. Happy to get behind the Biden/Harris ticket! Not my first choice. However, I am here for her destroying Pence in a debate. Is he even allowed to be that close to a woman, per his wife’s instructions? I can teach anyone how to service equipment, but I don’t have a clue how to teach someone to not be an asshole. Buy it: Feliz Dia Muertos Skeleton Man Play Guitar Day Dead Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Sugar Skull Woman Dia De Muertos Day Of The Dead Shirt

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 VP pick was extremely difficult and Sugar Skull Woman Dia De Muertos Day Of The Dead Shirt had to be strategic. Harris or Demings were the best choices. Knife’s edge voters would not have moved forward with Warren on the ticket, Duckworth doesn’t have enough experience, Rice would tank Biden with Benghazi thrown at him, Bass would have been campaign suicide with the Scientology/Castro support she’s associated with. Harris is an extremely strong pick. And it really wouldn’t have mattered who he picked, I am voting for Biden regardless. America or Trump. Harris would not have been my pick for VP, just as Biden would not have been my pick for President. Buy it:  Sugar Skull Woman Dia De Muertos Day Of The Dead Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Day Of Dead Dia De Muertos Sugar Skull Girl Shirt

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 What’s with all the Warren hate Day Of Dead Dia De Muertos Sugar Skull Girl Shirt here? She might end up as Sec. of the Treasury, after all. And this way she keeps her Senate seat, where she’s done a lot of good. I honestly thought Biden was going to make her AG. Did not expect her to be the pick. I don’t know how I feel about it, but I hope they win. Great. Could’ve picked a baked potato and the choice should still be obvious. Now focus and go vote in November. I saw him a few years ago managing a Firestone. I didn’t stop to say hi. When I was in high school I worked at popular warehouse club selling computers on the weekends. Buy it: Day Of Dead Dia De Muertos Sugar Skull Girl Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Skeleton Happy Dia De Muertos Day Dead Shirt

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 Warren and Skeleton Happy Dia De Muertos Day Dead Shirt Duckworth would have been excellent too, but I’m happy with this choice. I like the idea of having a tough prosecutor who has chewed Bill Barr out being in the White House. Hopefully, she will ensure that people face consequences. Are people going to act like the VP is actually going to change who they vote for? Just like the debates, if you are voting in this election you know at this point who it is and that isn’t going to change. I feel like this is a good thing, so long as she makes it her mission to investigate this current dumpster fire of an administration and punish those involved, which she’s alluded to in the past. Buy it:  Skeleton Happy Dia De Muertos Day Dead Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Sugar Skull Dia De Muertos In Mexican Holiday Shirt

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 Wasn’t a huge fan of Sugar Skull Dia De Muertos In Mexican Holiday Shirt her platform, but it would be nice to see a former prosecutor go after the current admin. Republicans pulling out anything to dissuade this. You all must be pissing in your tighty-whities Bots are out in force on Facebook. Claiming that Biden just handed the election to Trump. Doesn’t matter he could’ve picked Elmo or KANYE as a running mate. I’m not voting for trump. Picking Harris is meh… Big time meh compared to Warren. BUT one important thing is that what is important this year is to fire the orange asshole in the white house and undo all the crap he has done in 3.5 years. Buy it: Sugar Skull Dia De Muertos In Mexican Holiday Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Dia De Los Muertos Day Dead Sugar Skull Smile Shirt

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 Can someone explain to me why so Dia De Los Muertos Day Dead Sugar Skull Smile Shirt many people are mad she got picked? I honestly have no idea about American politics. Harris is the first resident of a western state to be on the Democratic Party national ticket in history. With Biden’s selection of Kamala Harris, 16 of the last 19 Democratic vice presidential running mates will have been Senators. Harris’s favorability rating is at +5, 35 to 30 percent, with a 62-8 rating among Biden voters an 8-57 rating among Trump voters. Knowing this and the value of what you bring to the table is the best thing that the manager could have ever done. Probably watching a few Texas DPS Officers realize they couldn’t shut down a whole airport. I was working as a flight instructor at a small airport on a Saturday afternoon. Buy it:  Dia De Los Muertos Day Dead Sugar Skull Smile Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Sugar Skull Simple Dia De Muertos Vintage Shirt

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 If this is the reason Sugar Skull Simple Dia De Muertos Vintage Shirt you wouldn’t vote for Biden, you were never really gonna vote for Biden. I was a Bernie dude all along, I campaigned, donated, voted. But he lost. There aren’t enough progressives, sorry, we’re not there yet. It sucks. But if all the other candidates’ voters came to Biden, they were never going for Bernie in the first place. It’s simple math. Bernie is what the country needs, but too bad. It is what it is. But I’m not going to let anything stop me from doing everything I can to avoid Trump from being elected. Stop being a baby about it, pull up your pants, and realize the moment we are in. Trump didn’t win because he had more support, it’s because the Angry progressives stayed home. Buy it:  Sugar Skull Simple Dia De Muertos Vintage Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

11-3-2020 The Day Nasty Women Save America Shirt

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 Exactly. It’s far easier to convince an 11-3-2020 The Day Nasty Women Save America Shirt Biden Democrat we need social change than it is to convince a Trumpublican. Voting 3rd party is handing this election over to Trump who will not listen to progressives in the slightest. At least Biden will listen. Being Trans in America, looking at the future. It is scary. Our lives do depend on this vote, as do our rights. Any progress over these decades could be easily wiped out. If you know and love/like an LGBTQ person, our lives are on the line here. I wonder how Caitlyn Jenner even looks at herself in the mirror. Knowing she had a hand in putting this Trump idiot in office. Buy it: 11-3-2020 The Day Nasty Women Save America Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Awesome Wainwright Molina 2020 Shirt

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 The wildfires are unbearable this year and Awesome Wainwright Molina 2020 Shirt are only going to get worse, can’t go anyplace but the west coast if I wanna feel even remotely safe, loved, and cared for though. I just don’t know what to do most days except smoke myself into oblivion. And scream into my pillow as I roll around on the floor with heaps of anxiety. Suicidal thoughts on a regular basis were something I thought I wouldn’t have to experience again, but here I am… Pete now would be a good time to remind Biden of your plan to expand the Supreme Court to 15 judges and make it apolitical! Buy it: Awesome Wainwright Molina 2020 Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Jesus Love You But I Don’t Go Fuck Yourself Shirt

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 Just remember that Jesus Love You But I Don’t Go Fuck Yourself Shirt the GOP is having immigrant women’s reproductive organs removed without permission while under ICE detention. The GOP has demonstrated its ability to commit such atrocities without repercussions. This election is the most consequential in history. It’s not enough to “sit this one out” or vote for some fringe candidate or write in Mickey Mouse on the ballot just because you don’t love Biden. You don’t have to even like Biden, but if you give a damn about your future and the future of this country, you MUST VOTE. American COVID-19 death toll surpassed 200k today. RBG has passed away. Trump has no qualms against establishing fascism. Buy it: Jesus Love You But I Don’t Go Fuck Yourself Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Good Son Of Fishes Catch Fish Or Die Shirt

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 Never go to a bar or Good Son Of Fishes Catch Fish Or Die Shirt club with a bouncer sizing you up through a peephole. And once your in, the constant fear of a raid. I married my wife in 2008 before proposition 8, something I’d never imagined I’d be able to do. To this kid, this has always been a possibility. This is our legacy. It was tough work. Some of my friends died to complete this; some in the struggle, others never saw it get this far. I’m not taking one step back. And you don’t either. Today we mourn. Tomorrow we fight. For those of the LGBTQ community, it very well could consider. Yeah that was pure insanity what Murray pulled off. Dude got a bit of Jordan in him. Buy it: Good Son Of Fishes Catch Fish Or Die Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Official Meowdy Cat Cowboy Hat Shirt

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 I think that gets lost, is Official Meowdy Cat Cowboy Hat Shirt that voting isn’t just what helps you personally, it’s what you believe helps everyone. We already are their scapegoats. We didn’t change hearts and minds to get marriage equality. There was no historic vote that allowed same-sex marriages. There was a god damned debate as to whether we should be able to marry. What was the good-faith argument against? From polygamy to, marrying horses, sexual deviants identifying as attack helicopters. The right still to this day is attempting to push their bigoted views as a defensible concern. And it’s working. I remember Kobe’s layup in the season opener vs the Warriors in 2015 I think. It was really great. Buy it: Official Meowdy Cat Cowboy Hat Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Black Cat Paw Reading Revealing All 9 Lives Since 1692 T-Shirt

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 The way things are Black Cat Paw Reading Revealing All 9 Lives Since 1692 T-Shirt going. With as many devout Catholics on the SCOTUS, with another sure to follow. Another presidency hostile to LGBTQ people may very well be a danger to LGBT lives. I think it’s worth pointing out that it’s right-wing Catholics. There are Catholics like Biden that are supportive of LGBTQ rights. The Catholic vote was fairly evenly split in 2016 with clear voting pattern differences within subgroups such as women vs. Men and young old. It’s also a fairly American thing and even the Pope has been throwing some serious shade at the American church hierarchy and Catholic aligned groups over the last couple years. Buy it:  Black Cat Paw Reading Revealing All 9 Lives Since 1692 T-Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Original Pr Coqui American Flag Shirt

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 Honestly these days Original Pr Coqui American Flag Shirt my life does depend on it. It does. If marriage gets kicked back to the states. Because of a new SCOTUS, we’re going to need all the help we can get in legislatures and congress. Because it does. Women’s lives depend on this. BIPOC lives to depend on this. LGBTQ+ lives depend on this. Literally, everyone’s life depends on this. And I’m sad for the people who don’t realize how impactful this is. Pete ain’t lyin at all. These fascist republicans are coming for all of us unless we stop them cold in the November election. That was incredible. From a dunk to a reverse layup all while airborne. And around LeBron! This post deserves all the awards for actually including the replay. Buy it: Original Pr Coqui American Flag Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Beer Deer Make Me Happy You Not So Much Shirt

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 His supporters will know that if Beer Deer Make Me Happy You Not So Much Shirt he makes good on his comment about trying for a third term he will get one. Then a fourth, a fifth, and so on. It sucks not getting the candidate that actually gives a shit about people, but this is about something bigger. As a Bernie supporter, I say VOTE BIDEN! I always vote. It’s important for not just presidential but local elections as well. I think the most damaging thing over the last few decades has been how existential the right has made politics in America. Both sides of our political spectrum have been led to believe, fairly or not, that the other side will destroy the country. Buy it: Beer Deer Make Me Happy You Not So Much Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Perfect Meowcrobiology Shirt

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 The reason we are in Perfect Meowcrobiology Shirt this mess is that 4.4 million Democrats who had voted for Obama in 2012 decided to stay home in 2016. Elections have consequences. We must not allow the perfect to become an enemy of the good. I mean, you can think Biden is not far enough left and still vote for him. Ultimately, I would rather have someone I think is terrible for the country than a fascist. It is an unfortunate reality, but it is one we have to accept, otherwise, things have the potential to get monumentally worse. And if you care about the rights of others, you should also vote. Buy it:  Perfect Meowcrobiology Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Nice Always Give A 100 At Work Shirt

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 With the comparative handling of Nice Always Give A 100 At Work Shirt COVID around the world, it really does give a benchmark of an adequate government that keeps it’s citizens safe. Your life literally depends on it. I have 200 postcards to address and send to voters in Florida and that’s the message I’m writing on each one. We’re middle class and our life depends on this. We literally can’t afford another 4 years of this shit. Well, that would make sense if our votes actually counted. As it is we live under unelected minority rule. I think you misspoke Mayor Pete it should say “vote your life depends on it” there is no question about it. Buy it:  Nice Always Give A 100 At Work Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Dia De Los Muertos Day Dead Sugar Skull Shirt

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 People on Dia De Los Muertos Day Dead Sugar Skull Shirt the left really don’t look into Trump’s administration, but I’m going to give you an example of confirmation bias really clouding reality, which is unfortunate. Trump actually signed an executive order pressuring the police forces in the US to stop using excessive force. Yes, the EO was very bureaucratic, but hopefully, it has some effect. It would be hard to tell, anyway, because the media is not going to credit. Trump with anything in this fight for police reform and even right-wing media won’t talk about it either because it up to their own narrative and base. He knows he’s not the smartest guy (he’s pretty dumb), and he knows he needs to hire the smartest people. We had frozen egg disks that we were supposed to heat in the oven. I say egg, but really it was more of a frozen circle of egg whites with a yellow piece in the middle. Buy it: Dia De Los Muertos Day Dead Sugar Skull Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Seas...

The Girl With Sugar Skull Day Of Dead Shirt

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 If people start The Girl With Sugar Skull Day Of Dead Shirt attacking me, saying that he’s not running the country, our country is turning to. Well. It’s been turning to shit, regardless of the president. I didn’t post this stuff to actually have an argument. Just look into it yourself and make your own decisions. I won’t reply. I can’t believe I had to scroll down so far down to hear about what Trump has done for the black community, (first step act, lowest unemployment in American history) and to be reminded that Trump hasn’t ordered the invasion of a nation, which hasn’t happened since Carter. There’s a very long list of accomplishments trump has achieved, but I hope that I can offer a different approach that will eliminate the need for a Reddit thread. Buy it: The Girl With Sugar Skull Day Of Dead Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Dia De Los Muertos Sugar Skull Happy Holiday Shirt

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 It’s important to Dia De Los Muertos Sugar Skull Happy Holiday Shirt hear the other side, not envelope ourselves in a bubble of our own egos. I was a liberal up until a month before the 2016 election. Too much has changed about the left since I was a child. It made sense when the right was a party of the types of people I am only now becoming more comfortable with; gun enthusiasts, military veterans, mechanics and tradesmen, devoted Christians, and the general hard-working union stiff. They used to intimidate me, confuse me, and upset me; but not because they wanted to. They did so because I didn’t understand what they truly believed or why they did. Most of these people just want to make a good enough living to support themselves and their families. Buy it:  Dia De Los Muertos Sugar Skull Happy Holiday Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Sugar Skull Dia De Muertos Day Dead Mexican Holiday Shirt

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 People who supported Trump are Sugar Skull Dia De Muertos Day Dead Mexican Holiday Shirt not “evil.” The Trump administration is not 1 dimensional, nor is his support base. Conservatives are not out to get you. Talk to more of them (not just op, but all of you), and understand that they are people like you. They hold genuine beliefs about their lives and the lives around them, just like you do. If you don’t feel you hold any ideals firm, then talk to someone about theirs so you can help solidify your own ego through attrition. Research. Don’t trust mass media so readily, since most of their reporting is going to lean towards “outrage”. They need to make their buck too. This one guy would come in every shift. I had and order just the egg circle, but didn’t want us to heat it up. Buy it: Sugar Skull Dia De Muertos Day Dead Mexican Holiday Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Dia De Los Guitar Mexican Holiday Shirt

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 He hasn’t started any Dia De Los Guitar Mexican Holiday Shirt wars, that alone should warrant re-election. American presidents are way too war-hungry. And the company Biden holds is these same presidents that keep starting wars all over the world. Obama has started several proxy wars by supplying rebels with weapons. That cause Libya to turn from the wealthiest country in Africa to a war-torn shithole with actual slave markets. He also gave the rebels in Syria enough weapons to start the civil war causing millions of refugees and thousands of deaths. Well, you should know enough about all the wars Bush started so that doesn’t require another explanation. And Trump? Nothing. Buy it: Dia De Los Guitar Mexican Holiday Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Sugar Skull Dia De Muertos Shirt

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 I’d rather dwell on Sugar Skull Dia De Muertos Shirt more pleasant things, but am cognizant of the times we are in and the troubles we face. News clips of rioters burning bibles, the American flag and chanting “Death to America” is a wake-up call for me. To quote someone else, it’s not enough to be passively noncommunist, we most are actively anti-communist. I realize we have a nation to save. And many who hold good values, cannot see the good Donald Trump has done because they suffer from Trump derangement syndrome and have shut out anything positive and hear nothing but the negative. They cannot see the forest for the trees. Buy it:  Sugar Skull Dia De Muertos Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Happy Dia De Muertos Day Of Dead Shirt

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 Then there are Happy Dia De Muertos Day Of Dead Shirt the books…. by Michael Cohen, John Bolton, and Mary Trump, wow what a lineup of accusations, and remarks by former Chief of Staff John Kelly. It’s very difficult for me if not impossible to give Trump a pass on all of this. I think in a perfect world, or at least less flawed than we live in, he ought to be disqualified. But here we are in history and the irony. If the political landscape was compared as two baseball teams, one team is the republican party, clean-cut, representing good American values, healthy patriotism. This team has been the hero, the protector of the unborn. This team created the lowest unemployment and opportunities for minorities, is placing qualified conservative judges on benches throughout. Buy it: Happy Dia De Muertos Day Of Dead Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Dia De Muertos Day Dead Sugar Skull Shirt

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 Enter Joe Biden and  Dia De Muertos Day Dead Sugar Skull Shirt Kamala Harris, actually, mainly Kamala, as it’s a given that gaffe-prone Old Joe Hidin’ is a shill, a place holder enabling the progressive credentialed (woman, check, black (enough?, check), candidate to become the new ‘coach’ to sell American values out to the globalists. Our uncouth plain-spoken president believes in The Doctrine of America First. I too believe in American exceptionalism for many reasons, being, there’s never been a country like America. America was the innovator of this great experiment of freedom. America has been the example and protector of the ideologies of freedom. And as long as we continue to put our interests first they’ll never be another one like it, no not even China. Buy it: Dia De Muertos Day Dead Sugar Skull Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Guitar Sugar Skull Dia De Muertos Day Dead Shirt

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 I wholeheartedly Guitar Sugar Skull Dia De Muertos Day Dead Shirt disagree. To quote Jack Nicholson from Batman, “this whole town needs an enema.” As an African American, he has brought to light what a great majority of us have always known. That there is a whole lot of racism. This is the bedrock of this nation and a great many of its white citizens. It has brought us out of our delusion and back to the reality that this is a constant fight on a lot of fronts. Not just vote every 4 years for a president. But every election at state and local levels. You know, I was going to reply that maybe he fed them to reptiles and after reading this I’m still not sure if I’m actually wrong. Buy it: Guitar Sugar Skull Dia De Muertos Day Dead Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt

Skeleton Dia De Muertos Day Of The Dead Shirt

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 Trump may have accidentally become the Skeleton Dia De Muertos Day Of The Dead Shirt thing we needed in my opinion. I’ve had this opinion before he got elected. Knowing that this was a corrupt system. The lame two-party system that spouts rhetoric with no meaning. The out of control corporations that poison us with no regard except more profits. The justice system that habitually punishes the poor whether they black, Latino, or whites. Health system that just sucks. Religious fascism that has always been around. A racist far-right or just right that finally did away with coded rhetoric. A neo-liberal left that’s just Republican light. With both parties serving corporations, not citizens. Buy it: Skeleton Dia De Muertos Day Of The Dead Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt