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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 11, 2020

Top Wish You Were Beer Shirt

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 That is how we identify the idiots out there. Before  Top Wish You Were Beer Shirt we just had the confederate flags to rely upon but those were only like 90% reliable. Now we have absolute certainty. Someone near me has a Biden flag, but it’s on a fence the way you’d display a large yard sign, not flying on a flagpole. There’s three in my neighborhood. To be fair, they’re just as off-putting to me as trump flags. Like signs I get, but the flags look fanatic on both sides. I’ve seen a Biden flag in my neighborhood and I live in the UK… You must have been very unlucky. Or lucky actually xd Buy it:   Top Wish You Were Beer Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Hot Murder Yoga It’s Cuddle Time Shirt

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 I live in a Hot Murder Yoga It’s Cuddle Time Shirt pretty conservative town in Massachusetts. I pulled up to a red light and the truck next to me had a whole mess of flags including American flags on the back of the truck. Disclaimer: I would NEVER actually destroy someone else’s property, it would have just been a joke for close friends and family. The light turns green, the truck pulls ahead, and the flags open up. BIDEN flag. BLM flags. More American flags. In the town I live in there’s a lot of houses that hang huge Biden banners on their front porches. I saw blue and red so automatically assumed it was a Trump flag and went to take a funny snap flicking my lighter. Buy it:  Hot Murder Yoga It’s Cuddle Time Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Awesome Some Grandmas Play Bingo Real Grandmas Watch Her Raiders Shirt

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 But I bet you have seen “=“ and Awesome Some Grandmas Play Bingo Real Grandmas Watch Her Raiders Shirt rainbow flags, Black Lives Matter, love is love signs, pro-science, feminism, etc because all of those things are the equivalent of a Biden flag for this election. Dems don’t have to worship a leader, they want rights and healthcare and to elect our best chance of getting those. I’m in the middle of BFE as well and actually saw a Biden flag the other day! My neighborhood is an odd mix of McMansions, run-down trailers, and ranch homes, and I swear every McMansion and trailer is sporting a Trump sign. To be fair, those trucks usually have some kind of flag, be it Gadsden, US, confederate, or what-have-you. Buy it:  Awesome Some Grandmas Play Bingo Real Grandmas Watch Her Raiders Shir t  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Hot Fy Da When UFF Da Isn’t Enough Shirt

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 I see a couple and I think it’s mostly just to Hot Fy Da When UFF Da Isn’t Enough Shirt try to balance out the Trump flags. I think candidate flags are weird as hell. Also, I saw a truck with Bush and Reagan flags. Same colors as the classic Trump flag. They also had a significantly smaller American flag. It really bothered me to see the way they’re prioritizing things these days… I never saw an Obama flag because who flies a flag with a politician’s name? When did this weird-ass become a thing? I’ve seen just one Biden flag. There’s a street on my way to work that is probably the most political mile-long stretch in the state. Every house is littered with signs, a few Trump flags, and one Biden flag. Buy it:  Hot Fy Da When UFF Da Isn’t Enough Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Funny Some Grandmas Play Bingo Real Grandmas Watch Her Packers Shirt

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 We don’t base our entire identity on Funny Some Grandmas Play Bingo Real Grandmas Watch Her Packers Shirt who we voted for in an election as they do. There are 3 Biden flags in my neighborhood that I see every time I walk my dog. I see a lot of Biden flags, but it seems to only be in neighborhoods where people have Trump flags. Like one house will have a trump flag so the neighbor decides to get a Biden flag. Pizza driver here. I’ve seen one Biden flag total in my two months of being a driver. Trump flags though…probably about 50? Excluding repeat customers. I live in the bible belt though so it is what it is. However, I have seen a solid amount of Biden signs (more than expected) so consider me surprised. Buy it:  Funny Some Grandmas Play Bingo Real Grandmas Watch Her Packers Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Awesome Vale Callampa 2020 Shirt

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 As other people noted, it has a lot to do Awesome Vale Callampa 2020 Shirt with demographics. I hadn’t seen a lot of them where I live, but once I went back to school in the fall, there were a ton everywhere. The polls are probably pretty accurate in Biden’s small lead, but it’s anyone’s game with electoral battlefield states being so close. We have a lot of Republicans for Biden signs and Biden signs, and a surprising amount of Trump signs- southern CA city. I’m in Orange County CA and have seen a decent amount of Biden stuff around when it’s typically only Trump stuff in my part of Orange County. Buy it:  Awesome Vale Callampa 2020 Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Pretty Some Grandmas Play Bingo Real Grandmas Watch Her Cowboys Shirt

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 I live in Oregon and see this Pretty Some Grandmas Play Bingo Real Grandmas Watch Her Cowboys Shirt as well. People either have nothing or 40 Trump flags hanging off their car/trailer/yard. Just yesterday an old man in front of me had two Trump flags and an American flag on his truck. The American flag fell off the pole at a light and got ran over by all of us behind him. The whole situation was like a perfect metaphor for Trump supporters. I live in the city of Atlanta and besides one insane neighbor with 15 Trump flags. I have 30 neighbors with Biden signs and flags. 95% Biden promotions. I have neighbors that have dueling Biden and Trump’s flags hanging on their fences. B uy it:  Pretty Some Grandmas Play Bingo Real Grandmas Watch Her Cowboys Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Hot Turtles Reindeer Santa Merry Christmas Shirt

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 Trump supporters use large Hot Turtles Reindeer Santa Merry Christmas Shirt flags compared to any other candidate ever because they are the smallest but squeakiest wheel. They are too up their own asses to realize their outward fandom is the equivalent of the tiniest donged dude buying the largest truck in the lot. Because all these people want is attention. If it was for any other legitimate reason there would be no need to fly 6-foot flags both above your vehicle and your house. These people think other people actually give a fuck about what they believe in or do in life because they’re all the same. I’ve seen plenty of Biden flags in Atlanta. Buy it:  Hot Turtles Reindeer Santa Merry Christmas Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Good Shark On The Naughty List And I Regret Nothing Shirt

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 I would never fly a Biden flag or Good Shark On The Naughty List And I Regret Nothing Shirt even a sticker is I don’t trust Trump supporters not to with whatever it’s attached to. Though where I live, there aren’t many. Not openly anyway. Thankfully. In my mom’s neighborhood (semi-rural) one house has a Biden flag and a GIANT Biden sign. They live right next to a trump supporter (they have signed). I think it’s hilarious. I live in a suburban part of Texas and there are Biden signs everywhere. The only Republican signs I see up are for lower-level candidates. I often drive past a place where Trump flags are being sold but I’ve never seen one in my actual neighborhood. Buy it:  Good Shark On The Naughty List And I Regret Nothing Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Pretty Santa Claus Dabbing Face Mask Merry Christmas Quarantine 2020 Vintage Shirt

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 Those guys were anarchists and Pretty Santa Claus Dabbing Face Mask Merry Christmas Quarantine 2020 Vintage Shirt Trump haters, not right-wingers. Get your research right, you guys sure like to make up here on Reddit. In reality one of them hated Trump, the others did not. In fact one of them, Barry Croft, tweeted back in 2017: I don’t even fly the US flag. Why then would I fly a flag for a political candidate. It’s so weird. I would never fly a giant flag, but as a blue voter in a deep red area, I appreciate the yard signs. It’s easy to feel like “One blue vote in a red region won’t matter, so what’s the point of voting?” Buy it:  Pretty Santa Claus Dabbing Face Mask Merry Christmas Quarantine 2020 Vintage Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Original Joe Biden Will You Shut Up Man 2020 Shirt

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 I was informed today that Original Joe Biden Will You Shut Up Man 2020 Shirt  the democrats might have been working with the Chinese to unleash covid on the world in order to tank the US economy to get trump to lose the election. Let that sink in. The most likely outcome would be the senate continues to find evidence of criminal conduct, prosecute him remotely, and convict with a Democrat majority senate on the evidence.  Buy it:  Original Joe Biden Will You Shut Up Man 2020 Shirt    Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Premium Father’s Day 2020 The One Where I Was Quarantined Shirt

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 I've never said this before and Premium Father’s Day 2020 The One Where I Was Quarantined Shirt I'll never say this again but Murdoch was right: Americans of all political alignments are tired of him and his antics. They're over the train wreck. It isn't interesting anymore, it's just exhausting even for a lot the right. No one beyond his die-hard supporters is going to give him any ratings or attention, and without that, he's not valuable enough to keep around anymore.  Buy it:   Premium Father’s Day 2020 The One Where I Was Quarantined Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Good Have A Pawsome Christmas Bulldog Shirt

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 Frankly, I'm expecting a Good Have A Pawsome Christmas Bulldog Shirt massive cleansing of Trump supporters and the shit they've posted across all social media. The Tweets will get sent to the Congressional Library and (I think?) the National Archives, then Twitter will ban him. I doubt they'll delete the tweets but I'd bet they'd make them impossible to like or share again. Probably add some disclaimers.  Buy it:  Good Have A Pawsome Christmas Bulldog Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Perfect Dragon I’m Multitasking I Can Listen Ignore And Forget At The Same Time Shirt

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 They've already said that the Perfect Dragon I’m Multitasking I Can Listen Ignore And Forget At The Same Time Shirt reason he hasn't been already is because he's the president, which means that his account is potentially of public importance. I'm guessing they make sure his tweets get archived properly then pull out the ban hammer in January. Ugh - sowing, from afar, domestic discord; promoting uprisings by his militia-wingnuts. Buy it:   Perfect Dragon I’m Multitasking I Can Listen Ignore And Forget At The Same Time Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Original Cat All The Yarn Is Mine Shirt

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 Sure the right might refuse to Original Cat All The Yarn Is Mine Shirt denounce white supremacists and domestic terrorists but the left wants to make a national voting holiday, clearly both sides are the same! My dad thinks the left is having abortions after the baby is born and then selling the body parts. Prior to this year he was on the pro-choice side of not caring. I hate how the last four years have radicalized him.  Buy it:  Original Cat All The Yarn Is Mine Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Good Trump Make Christmas Great Again Funny Ugly Christmas Shirt

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 He already got all the info he wants out of Good Trump Make Christmas Great Again Funny Ugly Christmas Shirt trump. It's not like our intelligence community is going to keep briefing him. As a former president, it's insane how much top-secret stuff Trump would be willing to dump out to Putin if he would benefit from it. That is if Trump had half a working brain and can recall details they would be interested in.  Buy it:  Good Trump Make Christmas Great Again Funny Ugly Christmas Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Hot Who Built The Cages Joe Donald Trump Sunglasses American Flag Shirt

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 Trump's been a useful idiot to Hot Who Built The Cages Joe Donald Trump Sunglasses American Flag Shirt Putin. Once he's no longer useful, he's just an idiot. If Trump is shown to have been the cause for actual terrorism in the US, you can imagine it ramping up even more. Trump's an asshole and no one likes him, what happens to him when he starts costing his host billions and can only offer diminishing influence in return?  Buy it:    Hot Who Built The Cages Joe Donald Trump Sunglasses American Flag Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Good Sans Coco Le Monde Serait Bien Trieste Shirt

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 If Trump is over in Russia spouting Good Sans Coco Le Monde Serait Bien Trieste Shirt off because Biden won, those sanctions will be restored and probably then some. I'm not actually so sure he can flee to Russia. Think of it this way, one of the things that got us in this mess was that Putin was extremely pissed because the Obama State Department led by Clinton put in place a series of sanctions that hit Putin's wallet personally, along with other oligarchs.  Buy it:   Good Sans Coco Le Monde Serait Bien Trieste Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Nice Breast Cancer Take My Hand We’ll Get Through This Together Shirt

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 ’ve been thinking about what Nice Breast Cancer Take My Hand We’ll Get Through This Together Shirt the breaking point would be for his cult in their support of him. Guaran-fucking-tee he flees. He can't help but spill everything out of his anus mouth, and this comment certainly suggests he and his spawn have been discussing it. Probably still a few billion more somehow first. It will be fun watching his cult defending his flight, though.  Buy it:   Nice Breast Cancer Take My Hand We’ll Get Through This Together Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Original Whoever Said That Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend Never Owned A Horse Shirt

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 Perhaps he's finally found the Original Whoever Said That Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend Never Owned A Horse Shirt limits of GOP complicity (or, rather, they've found the chance to be rid of him and pretend they were never his sycophantic enablers in the first place). He's definitely floating this as his escape route. He knows he's going to lose the election and, while he might think that the Supreme Court will corrupt the results for him, I wonder if someone has quietly told him that won't happen.  Buy it:   Original Whoever Said That Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend Never Owned A Horse Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Top Satan Skull On The Naughty List And I Regret Nothing Shirt

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 The governor, Abbott, keeps Top Satan Skull On The Naughty List And I Regret Nothing Shirt ruling with an iron fist using an emergency power act created in the 70s for hurricane recovery, he has been using it for 9 months to do things like removing ballot boxes from communities. The attorney general, Paxton, had most of his staff quit or get fired because they exposed him for illegal bribery 3 months ago.  Buy it:   Top Satan Skull On The Naughty List And I Regret Nothing Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Perfect Satan Claus Dabbing Christmas 2020 Toilet Paper Shirt

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 Oh, that, and when I heard Senators Perfect Satan Claus Dabbing Christmas 2020 Toilet Paper Shirt openly state that their primary goal was to obstruct Obama, and their secondary goal was to do what’s best for the country. I mean, this “party first” mentality is toxic as hell. I can see that some people might belive that their party’s aims are what’s best for the country, but these guys don’t seem to bother trying to rationalize their selfishness.  Buy it:   Perfect Satan Claus Dabbing Christmas 2020 Toilet Paper Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Good Shut Up Liver You’re Fine T-Shirt

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 To the many of us who have been Good Shut Up Liver, You’re Fine T-Shirt paying attention none of these fascist tactics come as a surprise. President Trump's words & actions over the summer months were horrifying. So now a candidates supporters can just bully other candidates out of holding campaign events? If an armed contingent of liberals held up a trump bus Fox “News” would be screeching about it at volume 11 until weeks after Election Day, senators ready to pass new laws, the works.  Buy it:   Good Shut Up Liver You’re Fine T-Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Good Still Processing Philadelphia Basketball Shirt

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 Trump will claim victory regardless of Good Still Processing Philadelphia Basketball Shirt the vote, and call on his supporters to "do what they know is right." It's so sad how a certain sect of our country is diving deeper and deeper into what I can only describe as madness. I'm so worried for us. How is it possible that people are thinking this way? We have to do something about biased media like Fox News. It's the only way I see out of this.  Buy it:  Good Still Processing Philadelphia Basketball Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Funny Satan Claus Marijuana Christmas Shirt

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 I've been room scrolling on Funny Satan Claus Marijuana Christmas Shirt   twitter. They are convinced the MAGA levels are so high Trump is getting 30% of the black vote, that he's going to win the election in a landslide. Can Trump win? Of course. But Biden winning is not in their reality. If Biden wins it's because the Democrat deep state antifa socialists cheated, not because the anti Trump forces are greater than these shitstains.  Buy it:   Funny Satan Claus Marijuana Christmas Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Original Master Yoda Freemason Brother T-Shirt

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 Yea I’m terrified what they’re going to Original Master Yoda Freemason Brother T-Shirt do when they lose. These people are behaving this way before the result. It’s insanity. But then I keep telling myself that’s what they’re trying to accomplish. Intimidating people to try to get their way. Can’t give into fear. I voted and I hope everyone else is too. There’s literally millions and millions of people that don’t vote every election.  Buy it:  Original Master Yoda Freemason Brother T-Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Nice Dogs Tree Merry Christmas Shirt

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 Here's how we deal with this Nice Dogs Tree Merry Christmas Shirt snake. Cut off the head and the body will die. Once they hold no power in government, then we can start seeing justice be served. This is why every vote counts, even if Joe Biden is locked in now. Downballot races determine local policies and shitty republican policies lead to Republican-run shitholes where lack of education. Buy it:   Nice Dogs Tree Merry Christmas Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Funny Title Town Los Angeles 2020 Shirt

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 They are being supported directly and Funny Title Town Los Angeles 2020 Shirt indirectly by the anti-American Republican Party. They are using violence at the order of republicans to incite terror, fear, and to further their political aspirations. If that’s really the case, I bet you they’re also breaking some laws regarding how you can transport firearms. States tend to have very different laws on that, such as keeping ammunition and firearms separate, unloaded, etc.  Buy it:  Funny Title Town Los Angeles 2020 Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Top CNA Life Sunflower Shirt

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 They're totally fine with people Top CNA Life Sunflower Shirt they don't like getting killed. Pretty obvious by this point. That and to promote a concept called the "the thin, blue line" which is to say that people are immoral by nature and society would collapse into utter chaos if there weren't armed babysitters keeping us in line. It's a pretty shitty idea in my opinion and kinda spits on any idea of faith in humanity.  Buy it:    Top CNA Life Sunflower Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Good Wakanda Forever Rip Black Panther 1976 2020 Thank You For The Memories Shirt

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 Then the local law enforcement is by Good Wakanda Forever Rip Black Panther 1976 2020 Thank You For The Memories Shirt extension enabling and supporting domestic terrorism, which means they are now self-declared by their actions also domestic terrorists and should be arrested by the feds immediately and held without bail until trial. According to local Democrats, the same group of Trump supporters has been following the bus around the country in an attempt to disrupt events in key battleground states.  Buy it:   Good Wakanda Forever Rip Black Panther 1976 2020 Thank You For The Memories Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Good Cats Tree Merry Christmas Shirt

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  I think a lot of people Good Cats Tree Merry Christmas Shirt assume that the president alone can change our economy, and that is simply false. There are many factors that play into a viable economy. Republicans have been pushing trickle down economics since Reagan, and it doesn't work. That method only works IF the people you are giving those tax breaks to actually push that additional money back into the economy. Buy it:    Good Cats Tree Merry Christmas Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Funny Dental Ho Ho Ho Christmas Gift Shirt

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 For example, let's take Funny Dental Ho Ho Ho Christmas Gift Shirt Neo-Liberal economics. The whole theory is based on the assumption that every decision be made by everyone is always rational. That's simply not the case in the real world. This alone I think should discredit it as a viable foundation for real-world policies, but despite this, the Republican party is championing it because it allows for the kind of exploitation and circumstances that allow them to concentrate wealth to a few.  Buy it:   Funny Dental Ho Ho Ho Christmas Gift Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt   

Top Welcome To 7th Heaven 1955 1959 1963 1965 1981 1988 2020 Shirt

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 That and I think some Top Welcome To 7th Heaven 1955 1959 1963 1965 1981 1988 2020 Shirt economic theories make assumptions that make it impractical for use in the real world. Most voters don’t understand economics well. That’s why people believe the asinine idea that a businessman would make a great president. The economics of a business are nothing like the economics being dealt with in government.  Buy it:   Top Welcome To 7th Heaven 1955 1959 1963 1965 1981 1988 2020 Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Official Wine St Patrick Hat Christmas Shirt

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 And this is just Official Wine St Patrick Hat Christmas Shirt me, but I prefer "disinformation" as it specifically denotes falsities used with the intent to mislead, whereas "propaganda" also includes merely using selective facts to paint a one-sided picture. Republican leaders have lied for years that they are the economically smart party for the entire country and they did it to convince the idiots amongst us to let them continue pillaging as much as they could.  B uy it:  Official Wine St Patrick Hat Christmas Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Nice Unicorn Happy Hallothanksmas Shirt

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  I knew he voted for Trump in Nice Unicorn Happy Hallothanksmas Shirt 16 because he's always voted Republican, but I had no idea he was in the cult. I kid you not, I cried for about 10 minutes when I found that out. This image I had in my head of my dad disappeared in an instant. From the arguments we've had since, I don't think I'll ever be able to respect him again. I still like and love him, but I don't respect him. That sucks.  Buy it:  Nice Unicorn Happy Hallothanksmas Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Original Dragon On The Naughty List And I Regret Nothing Shirt

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 I know every parent would Original Dragon On The Naughty List And I Regret Nothing Shirt say that they want their children to do better than they did. To BE better than they were. However... it weighs heavy on the heart to feel like you have accomplished that, and not because you exceeded their wonderful example, but because you realize that they may not have been good people after all.  Buy it:   Original Dragon On The Naughty List And I Regret Nothing Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Perfect Black Cat And She Lived Happily Ever After Christmas Shirt

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I would stand firm on facts and Perfect Black Cat And She Lived Happily Ever After Christmas Shirt not mention either party, at least, that's been what I've felt to be most effective with family debates. However, they inevitably devolve once my relatives realize their arguments are built on sand. It has always ended in their shouting and then silence as they, "don't want to talk anymore!" Buy it:  Perfect Black Cat And She Lived Happily Ever After Christmas Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt   

Funny First Christmas With My Hot New Husband Shirt

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They make money from Funny First Christmas With My Hot New Husband Shirt not paying taxes, moving funds to offshore accounts, shifting funds from one unregulated hedge fund to another etc. They make money through the sheer fact that they have money. They don't need the economy to perform well, they'll get on top anyway.  Buy it:   Funny First Christmas With My Hot New Husband Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Pretty Dragon Happy Hallothanksmas Shirt

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This here the logical trap Pretty Dragon Happy Hallothanksmas Shirt into which people keep falling. The Republican Party doesn't care about a better economy. They only care about a few selected people becoming richer day by day, which is exactly what is happening with billionaires during one of the most devastating events the US economy ever faced. Very rich people and corporations no longer make money from selling goods or services. Buy it:   Pretty Dragon Happy Hallothanksmas Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Awesome Santa Claus Gingerbread Elf Reindeer Snowman Penguin Dabbing Merry Christmas Shirt

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 Seriously though do Awesome Santa Claus Gingerbread Elf Reindeer Snowman Penguin Dabbing Merry Christmas Shirt they really think impoverishing your people makes for a better economy? The US economy is close to the breaking point where economic inequality is going to tank the economy by reducing the spending power of the masses. The economy only thrives when people have money to spend. Not when it's concentrated and hoarded by a few.    Buy it:   Awesome Santa Claus Gingerbread Elf Reindeer Snowman Penguin Dabbing Merry Christmas Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt