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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 10, 2020

Official Cat Tug My Rod And I’ll Pet Your Shirt

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 It’s a pointless video I thought she was Official Cat Tug My Rod And I’ll Pet Your Shirt gonna hit them with the facts and logic. And dominate the argument but it’s all just emotional idiots and belittling each other. Basically the expectation vs reality of most people arguing online or IRL. They showed up with guns to counter-protest people protesting police brutality. Basically, they were armed men condoning police violence. Is that not excessively rude?. To be fair Erica has been dealing with a lot of asshole right-wing “militia” types recently who show up to protests with guns so it’s understandable that she’s aggressive. She was in Kenosha on the ground the night before and the night after the Rittenhouse shootings. Buy it:  Official Cat Tug My Rod And I’ll Pet Your Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Premium Do Not Trust The Pilgrims Especially Sarah Miller Shirt

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 That’s why counter-protesters come out every time Premium Do Not Trust The Pilgrims Especially Sarah Miller Shirt neo-nazis organize a rally. If people with abhorrent beliefs never experience opposition they will believe that everyone tacitly agrees with them. t’s crazy. Two strangers independently decided to come to an event where they can yell talking points at each other. it’s important to appear in opposition to people whose ideas you oppose. That’s why counter-protesters come out every time neo-nazis organize a rally. If people with abhorrent beliefs never experience opposition. They will believe that everyone tacitly agrees with them. Ach knowing they have no chance of changing anyone’s mind. Why are they really here? What is their motivation? Buy it:  Premium Do Not Trust The Pilgrims Especially Sarah Miller Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Nice Donald Trump Among Us Kinda Sus Shirt

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 If I yelled at you in public because Nice Donald Trump Among Us Kinda Sus Shirt I didn’t like your political beliefs and then I said “what jobs have you had in the last 10 years?” You might tell me something like “retail management” not “night shift supervisor at Walmart in Sacramento from July 2012-March 2016”. Out realize we have been at war long enough that someone can do multiple tours of duty and thus do a tour in one place, and the second tour in another…right? .Yeah typically asking what camp someone was assigned too, and their unit. However, some people don’t like ‘outing themselves like would she tell him her job history? Buy it:  Nice Donald Trump Among Us Kinda Sus Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Good Grateful Dead Bear Christmas Shirt

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 Yeah, but don’t get too wrapped up in Good Grateful Dead Bear Christmas Shirt MOS. I saw one Reddit post where the person accusing went absolutely off the rails because someone in the Air Force didn’t give a MOS. Like 5 people tried explaining to him that MOS is an Army specific term but he literally wouldn’t accept. That the person he was accused of had an AFSC instead of a MOS. Grats to your father. When people ask me where I deployed and I say “Farah, err, uhh its close to Herat, uh, west Afghanistan, near the Iranian border” does that mean I didn’t deploy? Buy it:  Good Grateful Dead Bear Christmas Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Awesome RBG Notorious Book Nerds Don’t Get Old They Become Rare First Editions Shirt

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 My Dad was in the Navy – He could tell me where AwesomeRBG Notorious Book Nerds Don’t Get Old They Become Rare First Editions Shirt he was about: blank, but when on a ship and/or sub. The navigation systems were covered if someone without the clearance was nearby. Obviously, there were in “enemy waters”. If some Karen comes up and asks a question they’re just supposed to spontaneously list off all their tours of duty? Have you ever actually interacted with vets? Idk, I clam up in situations like that. I would have told her to go fuck herself and leave me alone. I’ve been deployed twice but since I’m Air Force and it wasn’t Afghanistan or Iraq, those people will harass me. Buy it:  AwesomeRBG Notorious Book Nerds Don’t Get Old They Become Rare First Editions Shirt   Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Top Dragon Ich Bin Der Hausdrache Shirt

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 It’s our duty as citizens to Top Dragon Ich Bin Der Hausdrache Shirt never let these assholes forget that—even after all of Trump’s failures—he is sitting at an 87% approval rating amongst registered republicans. If I think Trump has opened a LOT of people’s eyes who weren’t clued in on politics. I was the only person in my group of friends and family. Who told people that Trump was something to be worried about when he started running. Not just fringe republicans supporting this massive failure. It’s the overwhelming majority of Republican voters that cheer for corruption, crime, and ineptitude. I think because on the surface Republicans appeal to pretty simplistic values people actually. Buy it:  Top Dragon Ich Bin Der Hausdrache Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Original Grandma Claus Christmas Shirt

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 Do you want people like Original Grandma Claus Christmas Shirt that running your country and writing laws? Or do you at least want someone who’s read more than the Bible to educate themselves on public policy? I think post-Trump we’re going to see a massive societal shift away from conservative values. And that culture will literally die out in the next 4 decades. It’s just too far removed from reality. But a lot of people think that now. One thing I’m gratified with is since I grew up in the south I’ve been telling people for 20 years that “hey this Republican stuff is, you don’t understand the underlying logic of this culture and what it wants to accomplish. Buy it:  Original Grandma Claus Christmas Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Hot The Grinch Six Feet People Shirt

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 They think things like Hot The Grinch Six Feet People Shirt hurricanes are caused by gays. I don’t think you actually know any Trump supporters, because amongst us those are pretty radical. I isolated and stigmatized ideas. It would be like claiming that Marianne Williamson is representative of every democrat. WV as in high school during Bush jr first term, so I may be wrong here, but that was the first time I remember disagreeing with the president meant you hated America. It was bizarre. Kind of unrelated, but lots of people on the left seem to forget about what Bush Jr did and constantly praise him for being “Presidential” when comparing to Trump. Buy it:  Hot The Grinch Six Feet People Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Funny Black Cat Office Crazy Cat Lady Shirt

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 When you said bumbling and Funny Black Cat Office Crazy Cat Lady Shirt Bush in the same post it just reminded me of his quote – There’s an old saying in Tennessee, it’s on Texas so it’s probably in Tennessee that says Fool me one time, shame on… Shame on you, Fool me… You can’t get fooled again. Honestly feel like Trump has based every speech since on this pearl of wisdom. lots of people on the left seem to forget about what Bush Jr did and constantly praise him for being “Presidential”. I feel like being presidential is about being respectful, manners, carrying yourself a certain way. I didn’t want and disagreed with Bush’s decisions but I feel like he acted “presidential”. Buy it:  Funny Black Cat Office Crazy Cat Lady Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Awesome Bulldogs Leopard Shirt

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 You are so very right and Awesome Bulldogs Leopard Shirt I could not have put it better myself. What you say is very evident and history shows this to be true. It is amazing how people were saying Obama was going to take guns. And lock people up or how shocked people were when they found out that there were black sites where they kept and tortured prisons. Trump does the same and everyone cheers. Here was a quote in one of the Conan stories by Robert E. Howard, and I cannot remember it exactly, or even how he worded it,. But the gist was that no matter how awful the previous guy was when someone new takes over. Buy it:  Awesome Bulldogs Leopard Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Hot Once Upon Time There Was A Girl Who Really Loved Dogs And Tattoos And Said Fuck A Lot That Was Me The End Of The Fucking Story Shirt

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 He’s lost the moderates. The people in Hot Once Upon Time There Was A Girl Who Really Loved Dogs And Tattoos And Said Fuck A Lot That Was Me The End Of The Fucking Story Shirt the middle. The people who gave him the benefit of the doubt in 2016. Getting rave reviews about his debating performance from people locked into voting for him. But a “meh” at best from everyone else, won’t get him re-elected. Exactly. I had a history teacher in 2016 for my senior year. And he was an avid and vocal Trump supporter who made watching the debates and assignments for us. I often wondered if we were watching the same debate. Because sure enough every time he’d talk about how he thought Trump won. Buy it:  Hot Once Upon Time There Was A Girl Who Really Loved Dogs And Tattoos And Said Fuck A Lot That Was Me The End Of The Fucking Story Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Top A Wise Woman Once Said Fuck It I’m Getting A French Bulldog And She Lived Happily Ever After Shirt

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 They are desperate for Biden. To pull out of Top A Wise Woman Once Said Fuck It I’m Getting A French Bulldog And She Lived Happily Ever After Shirt the debates. They know that Trump is way behind, and the only way to drag him back is to win the debates. A loss or a draw in the debates is no good for Trump. He. An afford to play it safe. And given Trump is a rubbish debater who can barely string a coherent sentence together. The only way he could win the debates is if Biden up. Which gets harder if Biden does play it safe. The problem is, relying on your opponent to up as your only path to victory is a horrible position to be in. How much do you want to bet that 35 years ago she claimed that all the soviets needed to die? Buy it:  Top A Wise Woman Once Said Fuck It I’m Getting A French Bulldog And She Lived Happily Ever After Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Good What Is Your Spaghetti Policy Here Shirt

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 Hear you, but I’m in deep red country and Good What Is Your Spaghetti Policy Here Shirt I’m an outspoken Democrat. These guys talk a big game online, and they’ll start a fight every once in a while, but for the most part, they aren’t rabid wolves. There’s a subset of nutters, sure, but there’s also a shit ton of money being flooded into the US internet with people who are gullible. This stuff will calm down eventually, but the election is going to be crazy. I have a more positive outlook I guess, but I also have the same fears you do. It’s nuts. It’s more like 25% of the country. Buy it:  Good What Is Your Spaghetti Policy Here Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Hot Happy Fall Leopard Pumpkin Shirt

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 Everything I’ve read on Hot Happy Fall Leopard Pumpkin Shirt the subject has essentially said there’s not really any way to deprogram them. And the more they’re challenged and confronted by reality. They will simply dig into the cult more AND will become increasingly likely to turn to violence. Even if by some miracle we were to win back the WH, House, AND Senate with overwhelming numbers… We’ve still got a full 1/3rd of the country that are ready to toss grandma. Their kids, their neighbors… everyone around them… Into the COVID meat grinder just so they can keep the cognitive dissonance quiet for another day. Buy it:  Hot Happy Fall Leopard Pumpkin Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Funny Boston Terrier And Hipper Girl On A Dark Desert Highway Cool Wind In My Hair Shirt

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 They’re also a vocal minority Funny Boston Terrier And Hipper Girl On A Dark Desert Highway Cool Wind In My Hair Shirt that yells about anything they’re asked to yell about. I’m a bartender and I get the fox talking points about a week late in my bar amongst my regulars. They all know I’m a democrat, so they love to come in and holler. I’m in southern Alabama, so most of them are absolutely like 6o away from the truth. So it’s really hard to unwind all the shit, and they never get all the way unwound. They’re extremely reactionary, and even a bit of discourse will send them into fits of rage. I had one guy assault, 4 people. Buy it:  Funny Boston Terrier And Hipper Girl On A Dark Desert Highway Cool Wind In My Hair Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Top I Don’t Care What Anyone Thinks Of Me Except Chickens I Want Chickens To Like Me Shirt

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 His base takes EVERY opportunity to Top I Don’t Care What Anyone Thinks Of Me Except Chickens I Want Chickens To Like Me Shirt “win.” Having a simple conversation means one person must win. They have to get the last word in and will fight until the end to dominate. It’s why they get so aggressive with everything. Because everything is about being “strong” and “winning.” opinion or perspective and that’s ok. There are 2 good ones, an ABC and a CBS journalist. The rest of the list is him bloviating as always. I think he really does want to debate because he legitimately thinks he’s smarter than Biden. Trump shouldn’t debate. Buy it:  Top I Don’t Care What Anyone Thinks Of Me Except Chickens I Want Chickens To Like Me Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Perfect Dragon Touch My Cup Of Tea I Will Slap You So Hard Even Google Won’t Be Able To Find You Shirt

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 Know both sides are Perfect Dragon Touch My Cup Of Tea I Will Slap You So Hard Even Google Won’t Be Able To Find You Shirt saying “It’s the other guy that doesn’t want to debate bc he’s old and stupid”. But I’d put money on trump pulling out of the debates. And gaslighting his cult into thinking it wasn’t his fault. Know both sides are saying “It’s the other guy that doesn’t want to debate bc he’s old and stupid” but I’d put money on Trump pulling out of the debates and gaslighting his cult into thinking it wasn’t his fault. is the campaign already released a list of “acceptable moderators” (as if that’s their right in any way)?. Surprise, it’s all softball Fox News/OANN type. Buy it:  Perfect Dragon Touch My Cup Of Tea I Will Slap You So Hard Even Google Won’t Be Able To Find You Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

  Nice Santa’s Favorite Ho Christmas Shirt

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 Department of Defense Identification Number, you can Nice Santa’s Favorite Ho Christmas Shirt find it on the backside of your Common Access Card (CAC) or your ID tags (dog tags).ynchroGo. Yeah, I googled it. Apparently, they changed it a few years before I got out. I guess no one ever bothered to tell my ship, cause I have 0 recollection of ever using anything but my Last First MI and SSN. Good for your dad. His DOD id number is his social security number. I couldn’t tell you what dates I deployed but I’m pretty sure I did 22 years. These guys are dicks but that doesn’t mean anything one way or the other. I can tell you didn’t serve because you used the term “dod id number”. Buy it:  Nice Santa’s Favorite Ho Christmas Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Awesome When I Think About You I Touch My ELF Shirt

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 But the subject quickly changed as Awesome  When I Think About You I Touch My ELF Shirt your comment pointed out. I’m not saying these guys don’t dick heads but there’s absolutely nothing here that says they are or aren’t veterans. Yeah, I thought they would have some confirmation at the end that they were not veterans, but there is none. Judging by the way he spoke about military pay grades, it sounds like he was probably in the military. He possibly just wasn’t deployed overseas at worst but even that has no confirmation. It’s a 12(ish)-digit code that is used on rosters and some forms for ID purposes, as a military SSN. It’s the code on the back of your CAC. Buy it:   Awesome  When I Think About You I Touch My ELF Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Pretty Randy Marsh I Thought This Was America 2020 Shirt

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 My father was in the Air-force he can Pretty Randy Marsh I Thought This Was America 2020 Shirt tell me where he was deployed and where. His DOD # and rank without any thought process. Answering any of these questions would have immediately resolved the women’s suspicion of stolen valor. Instead, these men were clearly attempting to avoid the question by telling her to go to another country. My dad was in the Air Force for years during and after Vietnam. He won’t tell me anything beyond one air base he was at for part of his tenure. Some people can be proud without going into specifics. If that’s the only line in the video that says Stolen Valor then I call shenanigans. Buy it:  Pretty Randy Marsh I Thought This Was America 2020 Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Perfect Joe Biden For President American Flag Election Shirt

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 I came in this thread to specifically point Perfect Joe Biden For President American Flag Election Shirt out the extreme false equivalency. To comparing “blue lives matter” in any way to “black lives matter”. “Blue lives” are 100% not “being attacked” like this dipshit is claiming. Asking police to stop indiscriminately murdering citizens so damn often is not “attacking” them. I understand what you just said, however, he also included black lives and talked about how they are both being attacked. Blue lives matter. What, were you born the police? That is not a blue life. That’s a blue suit. If you don’t like it, take that blue suit off, find a new job, ’cause I’m going to tell you right now if I could quit being Black today. Buy it:   Perfect Joe Biden For President American Flag Election Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

  Nice Pontoon Assuming I’m Just An Old Lady Was Your First Mistake Vintage Retro Shirt

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 Chanting blue lives matter is nothing more Nice  Pontoon Assuming I’m Just An Old Lady Was Your First Mistake Vintage Retro Shirt than a bully acting the victim. Before you freak out ask yourself, how much you know about the history of police. Not what you think or feel but what you actually know. Yeah, you can miss me with the bullshit officer. You sounded real chill until you equated your service to people getting killed by your homies “poor service”. Please serve us by holding your blue lives accountable. So who does he vote for? People like this usually vote conservative. Must just be a massive coincidence. Buy it:  Nice  Pontoon Assuming I’m Just An Old Lady Was Your First Mistake Vintage Retro Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Nice I’m From West Virginia We Don’t Do That Keep Calm Thing Shirt

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 But you can never admit Nice I’m From West Virginia We Don’t Do That Keep Calm Thing Shirt that the justice system is fucked and that a really good number of cops are racist thugs. That purposefully kills people that don’t need to be killed. Jesus christ I can’t believe that someone that cant differentiates. The two are driving around with a gun with a sense of righteousness. If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy. Do you not see all the kicking and screaming from the democrats? Asking barret if she’s ever raped, someone? No one is innocent but at this point, they’re completely shameless. Buy it:  Nice I’m From West Virginia We Don’t Do That Keep Calm Thing Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Good King Of The Street Dog Shirt

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 That Taliban member may have Good King Of The Street Dog Shirt joined with good intentions after seeing his family blown up by USA munitions. You don’t know those people or their intentions or their grievances. Not really. Just like you don’t know the man in this tweet. You didn’t even give the dude a chance, man. Just saw blue, then immediately red. I can’t live in this binary world we’ve designed for ourselves. With the exception of gun control, you have just described the democratic platform under Biden. Democrats were completely against marijuana and gay marriage until very recently. The last Democrat elected as president specifically said he thought marriage was “between a man and a woman.” Buy it:  Good King Of The Street Dog Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Awesome Dragon I’m Multitasking I Can Listen Ignore And Forget At The Same Time Shirt

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 I believe a lot of them want to do good in Awesome Dragon I’m Multitasking I Can Listen Ignore And Forget At The Same Time Shirt their own sense and help people. But they work under a broken system where awful. People are able to get in and exploit it purely for their own self-interests. And when this system is called out and we say it needs to change. They just throw low-level officers at the public to blame so the government on. The top can continue exploration and oppression. I don’t believe they want to do good. Because even though not all of them are shitty or crooked. Nearly all of them consistently vote for union members. People are complicated beings, there are more sets of ideas. Buy it:  Awesome Dragon I’m Multitasking I Can Listen Ignore And Forget At The Same Time Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Top Life’s Roughest Storm Prove The Strength Of Our Anchors Quote Shirt

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 Any time that you vote for Top Life’s Roughest Storm Prove The Strength Of Our Anchors Quote Shirt a political party you face trade-offs; that’s not limited to the two main parties. I happened to vote Libertarian (as I usually do) but there were definitely tradeoffs for me. Jo’s policies related to COVID-19 I thought were extremely bad, but I still voted for her because I preferred most of the rest that she had on offer. The cop needs to understand that he will also have to accept tradeoffs. It sounds like your more or less moderate liberal. The two-party thing has its issues. But even if we had 10 political parties they still wouldn’t fit you perfectly. You have to compromise at some point. Buy it:  Top Life’s Roughest Storm Prove The Strength Of Our Anchors Quote Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Pretty Gardening Today’s Busy Schedule Shirt

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 ‘Blue’ lives is a Pretty Gardening Today’s Busy Schedule Shirt stretch. They can take their uniforms off. Do all human lives matter at a fundamental level? Of course. But to be clear, BLM is not disputing that. I’m a black trans woman who is a White supremacist. I think killing babies is a human right but I think the death penalty is a sin. I think all drug sales should be legalized but that using drugs should be a life sentence. Put me into a party. Now tell me how long discipline records should be kept for officers accused of misconduct. Because your police union might push for scrubbing the records of bad officers clean after 12-18 months. Buy it:  Pretty Gardening Today’s Busy Schedule Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Premium Kiwi Bird You Can’t Buy Happiness But You Can Marry A New Zealand Woman Vintage Retro Shirt

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 The more upset the Premium Kiwi Bird You Can’t Buy Happiness But You Can Marry A New Zealand Woman Vintage Retro Shirt African-American community gets, the more racial divide we have in this country. The more racial divide we have in this country, the more attractive the white supremacists look. My little brother is an officer too and I’m sure he agrees! Hooray for good officers, you all deserve more attention right now. You’re a conservative who leans left on some issues to hide his conservative racism like most libertarians. Close? But here is the annoying part. If you vote libertarian you are voting for someone who wants to get rid of the department of education. Independent of the merits the DoE may or may not have it’s going to be a sticking point for most voters. Buy it:  Premium Kiwi Bird You Can’t Buy Happiness But You Can Marry A New Zealand Woman Vintage Retro Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Original You Don’t Have To Die To Be Dead To Me – I Have Mental Funerals On A Daily Basis Skull Shirt

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 Just grab a seat anywhere. We’re about to Original You Don’t Have To Die To Be Dead To Me – I Have Mental Funerals On A Daily Basis Skull Shirt start out double feature night. First up, Dallas Buyers Club, followed by a classic, Shenandoah. Right? I know. Hollywood just isn’t the same anymore. Now go on, make yourself at home, we’ve been expecting you. The good news is that Trump’s Republican Party is closer than ever to accepting your viewpoints. All they need is a guy like Ted Cruz or Rand Paul to win the presidency next and they will likely be there! Not if you know what the human rights council is for. It gives a platform to talk about human rights. Buy it:  Original You Don’t Have To Die To Be Dead To Me – I Have Mental Funerals On A Daily Basis Skull Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Perfect Chicken Some People Just Need A Sympathetic Pat On The Head With A Hammer Shirt

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 The USA got a seat too and Perfect Chicken Some People Just Need A Sympathetic Pat On The Head With A Hammer Shirt they either send cops to kill their own. People without a fair trial or send drones to kill a Million people overseas. Or even host a torture-facility in Guantanamo. I guess most of the nations there are constantly violating human rights. Based on victim reports and drone shots from activists. Where Uigur is loaded onto trains in a similar fashion to the deportation of Jews during the Nazi-Rule. I‘d argue you do not need to use any vagueness. When talking about chinas Uigur genocide, which they publicly call a „re-education“. China getting on the Human Rights Council while they are actively committing genocide is astoundingly ironic.  Buy it:  Perfect Chicken Some People Just Need A Sympathetic Pat On The Head With A Hammer Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Original If You Can’t Fly With The Big Girls Stay Off The Broom Halloween Shirt

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 It is not paradise Original If You Can’t Fly With The Big Girls Stay Off The Broom Halloween Shirt neither hell. I personally enjoy existing there’s a pain but also pleasure, even knowing that I won’t even realize that I died. I still don’t wanna die, if I die some people will suffer. And I don’t wanna cause them suffering even if it wouldn’t affect me anymore. Happiness is just relief from the default suffering of living in a degrading physical body. “Nothingness” is having no need for happiness as there is no suffering. It also means that you will never, ever ever be able to feel any happiness ever again. Think of it as cutting a cancerous tumor (the convicted killer). Off the body (the rest of a law-abiding society) so it can be healthier. Buy it:   Original If You Can’t Fly With The Big Girls Stay Off The Broom Halloween Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Official Unicorns I’ll Try Being Nicer If You Try Being Smarter Shirt

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 I feel the degree of certainty in Official Unicorns I’ll Try Being Nicer If You Try Being Smarter Shirt a criminal investigation isn’t perfect. And if there is even a shadow of a doubt, pulling that trigger on a prisoner is just as wrong. We as people are better than this. We should be at least. Japan has an interesting approach to death row. After you’re sentenced to death you won’t find out when until the day arrives. It can be tomorrow or in a decade you don’t know till it is time. I think being alive, but not free is worse than that. Do you seriously want to rot in a cell for the rest of your life instead of dying? Buy it:  Official Unicorns I’ll Try Being Nicer If You Try Being Smarter Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt   

Hot Scuba Diving Je Suis Une Femme Simple J’aime La Plongée Et L’apéro Shirt

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 Yep, that’s the biggest problem. Imagine you’re Hot Scuba Diving Je Suis Une Femme Simple J’aime La Plongée Et L’apéro Shirt going to be executed while you know you’re not guilty. I used to think that the death penalty let them off too easily. And then I reached an age where dying became a constant worry in the back of my mind. Dead is dead forever – existing no more. I can’t think of a more terrifying punishment if you have any desire to continue being. Seriously. Soon as I turned 40 and got sick once, I thought to myself. Hindus like me see it as either rebirth, or Moksh, where you are allowed to stay in one of the looks, so I’m fine with it. Buy it:  Hot Scuba Diving Je Suis Une Femme Simple J’aime La Plongée Et L’apéro Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Funny Cat Hold Wool Roll All The Yarn Is Mine Shirt

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 To be honest, the only reason I’m against the death penalty is because of Funny Cat Hold Wool Roll All The Yarn Is Mine Shirt how many people get wrongly convicted. Especially after seeing the waves of inmates going free after the introduction of DNA testing. You can try to make up for wrongly imprisoning someone for 10 to 20 years. But you can’t make up for killing them. Also, it costs taxpayers three times the money to put a person to death than life in prison. Exactly, if 99% of the convicts actually committed the crime, it still means that 1 in 100 death row inmates is innocent. We can’t take that chance. Buy it:  Funny Cat Hold Wool Roll All The Yarn Is Mine Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Pretty Chicken I’m Multitasking I Can Listen Ignore And Forget At The Same Time Shirt

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 A lot of people are against the death penalty because Pretty Chicken I’m Multitasking I Can Listen Ignore And Forget At The Same Time Shirt they say it’s a violation of the right to live. But I think that it should not exist, not because of that. But because it’s really unfair that a lot of people. Who are just monsters who killed or raped others in such a horrible way? That sent them to die is literally, get away with it. I mean, it’s not like they’re immediately put to death anyway. It usually takes years to carry out the death sentence. If you commit first-degree murder, for example, you can be the judge to the death penalty. Buy it:  Pretty Chicken I’m Multitasking I Can Listen Ignore And Forget At The Same Time Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Top 80th Birthday 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Coronavirus Toilet Paper Shirt

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 My mom was a subtle decorator, pumpkin Top80th Birthday 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Coronavirus Toilet Paper Shirt  ceramics that lit up with our name, door hangings, some blocks that spelled happy Halloween, a few iron stakes that had ghosts and bats but never fake spiderwebs, an abundance not leaves, and certainly not pumpgeddeon. Less is more in our house. Our Christmas tree is even a baby one. I love Halloween and consider it my favorite holiday so I usually put out one or two pumpkins/Halloween decor. Hers is definitely excessive but I can see why it’s necessary for backdrops. Probs because Rach minus Leo is 100% better content. Can’t complain about this, it is my favorite painting but makes me laugh that she thinks that is a spookY image. Buy it:  Top80th Birthday 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Coronavirus Toilet Paper Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Nice Belle Je Suis Une Princesse Disney Sauf Si Harry Potter A Besoin De Moi Shirt

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 I definitely have what could Nice Belle Je Suis Une Princesse Disney Sauf Si Harry Potter A Besoin De Moi Shirt be considered “fall decor”… but it’s about incorporating a more autumnal color palette … not throwing 35 plastic pumpkins together and hanging a plastic bat sign. I decorate for Halloween more than I do Christmas. However, I don’t just slap a million-dollar store pumpkin around and call it chic. We decorated for every single holiday growing up.. and now I do it as an adult. Yes, for me it’s a family tradition sort of thing. We always went all out with holiday decorations. Now my daughter has grown up with that so she gets very excited about decorating for all the holidays. It just makes sense for us to decorate early. That way we can enjoy them for as long as possible. Buy it:  Nice Belle Je Suis Une Princesse Disney Sauf Si Harry Potter A Besoin De Moi Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Original You Can Take This Guy Out Of Washington But He’ll Always Be A Washington Guy Line Vintage Retro Shirt

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 I think when Noelle does it with her sweaters it’s an Original You Can Take This Guy Out Of Washington But He’ll Always Be A Washington Guy Line Vintage Retro Shirt bit weird because 1. they’re very short/cropped and often matched with something high waisted 2. they look boxier/chunkier because of the sweater fabric 3., in general, a cropped sweater is a weird concept to me because sweaters are for keeping you warm, so the cropped thing is counterintuitive seriously. This trend is the equivalent of Uggs with a mini skirt. It makes no sense and it looks tacky AF. I think the tops especially the bulky ones tucked into the bra look ridiculous. Like you put your bra on after your shirt and haven’t straightened things out. It’s weirdly bulky, midriff with sweater doesn’t make much sense, and I hope it’s not a real trend! Buy it:  Original You Can Take This Guy Out Of Washington But He’ll Always Be A Washington Guy Line Vintage Retro Shirt  Premium Trending This Is S...

Funny Eyes Not Perfect Just Forgiven Shirt

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 Is it weird the last two #leophotoshops weren’t Funny Eyes Not Perfect Just Forgiven Shirt tagged with #rachrecreates? She has her hashtag in her insta bio and they aren’t listed there. Also, I’d never seen the frozen one with her and Noelle, it’s actually cute. I never knew Rach pre-Leo but she seems more creative back then. I really liked the Frozen recreate, same with Belle and Hocus Pocus. Those all turned out quite well and without all the ridiculous photoshopping. She has an IG stories highlight called Recreates! I’m not sure if it’s just personal bias but I definitely kept clicking through thinking they were all cute and well done until Leo entered the picture (both literally and figuratively). Buy it:  Funny Eyes Not Perfect Just Forgiven Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Hot Yeah I’ve Got O.C.D Old Cranky Dangerous Shirt

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 I really can’t stand jaggy’s Hot Yeah I’ve Got O.C.D Old Cranky Dangerous Shirt  content bc it’s too boring to snark on/just irritates me- but I will give her credit for not being like “hmmm sOo sMall a SiZe SiX aRe mY fAt jEanS” if she’s also petite like Rach and hasn’t pulled that shit (If she has then never mind). Nah you’re right, she never really does that. I’ve viewed her Poshmark/depop whatever before tho and her clothes are all XS and like size 6 shoes. I know! Lol I like zoomed-in after I posted and I saw it and honestly, it tracks that Noelle would wear a bra too small to prance around her apartment with her friend. Buy it: Hot Yeah I’ve Got O.C.D Old Cranky Dangerous Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Perfect March Girl 2020 The One Where I Celebrate My Birthday Quarantine COVID-19 Shirt

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 Yeah, very weird to Perfect March Girl 2020 The One Where I Celebrate My Birthday Quarantine COVID-19 Shirt me that she hasn’t posted anything because I thought she’d find a way to post a picture of herself in front of the WTC or something. There’s always something that tops the list of reasons why people dislike her lol. Seriously, it’s offensive how she claims to love NYC (and Paris) so much, yet her love for them has always been so damn surface level. The tragedies that hit/have hit these cities mean nothing to her. She will literally never care. She also mentioned Duke getting a bath, and pointed out the lack of variety in her poses for the grid. Hmm. Buy it:  Perfect March Girl 2020 The One Where I Celebrate My Birthday Quarantine COVID-19 Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt   

Official T-Rex Playing Golf Dino Ball Game Sports Shirt

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 Yes! As a ~ thirty-year-old Official T-Rex Playing Golf Dino Ball Game Sports Shirt lady~ I want timeless pieces that look a little more sophisticated than Forever21. I don’t want crop tops, tops with intentional rips + tears in them, oversized band tees, tie-dye everything. Give me items that I can re-wear for years without it falling apart or looking cheap. I swear some of these influencers regress with their fashion choices the older they get. I feel like Rachel used to wear really cool, unique pieces. Not it’s pure commercialism and whatever she can shill. When I first started following her, she had beautiful clothes. I wouldn’t wear a single thing her or Noelle have tried cram down our throats lately. Buy it:  Official T-Rex Playing Golf Dino Ball Game Sports Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Perfect Speak Truth In Humility To All People Only Then Can You Be A True Man Shirt

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 I personally find him both boring and kind of Perfect Speak Truth In Humility To All People Only Then Can You Be A True Man Shirt annoying. He’s harmless in that he’s got way fewer followers and doesn’t seem to be as problematic. But he was in a few stories last year where I found him really obnoxious in a LOOK AT ME I’M SUPER EDGY kind of way. Then again, that describes the whole group so … Joel has a great sense of style, his apartment is amazing. And he definitely always gives off the vibe that he is just there because their manager set them up. Would a Ravenclaw student write for the Quibble? I get Luna is in Ravenclaw, but that’s above the standard for the rest. Right? Buy it:  Perfect Speak Truth In Humility To All People Only Then Can You Be A True Man Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Official La Perfection Nexistepas Sur Terre Mais Alors Dou Je Viens Shirt

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 There is something so gross and ignorant about Official  La Perfection Nexistepas Sur Terre Mais Alors Dou Je Viens Shirt  her opening bag after bag after bag of themed clothing. It’s not at all cute or adorable; she comes off incredibly smug and wasteful during a time where people are struggling to find jobs or pay their rent. And then talks about covid as though it only exists as an inconvenience to her lifestyle. Get real. Especially the way she just rips the stuff open and tosses the plastic aside. There’s no appreciation for anything she’s bought —it’s purely to show us all she ordered in hopes we’ll order it and she’ll make a commission. Buy it:  Official  La Perfection Nexistepas Sur Terre Mais Alors Dou Je Viens Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Awesome Cross Country Running Is The Only Real Sport The Rest Are Just Games Shirt

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 What’s odd is that he’s not posting any AwesomeCross Country Running Is The Only Real Sport The Rest Are Just Games Shirt  content (considering this is also how he makes a living). I was considering Covid too but would Rachel really be dumb enough to travel while he’s sick? Certainly, The news would come out if he had it. There’s no way he wouldn’t be able to control himself in sharing his rEcOvErY. If this is true it maybe could have been avoided if he just opted for a mask-like a normal. Decent human being instead of that disgusting red bandana. I agree, he would be thriving on the attention. I think he’s just in LA Buy it:  AwesomeCross Country Running Is The Only Real Sport The Rest Are Just Games Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Funny Girl Flowers Bird Vignette Shirt

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 I’m just wondering how they’re going to manage to Funny Girl Flowers Bird Vignette Shirt shoehorn Leo into that one- I’ve only seen Brave once a very long time ago but I thought the whole point was not needing a man? One of the pictures from Rach’s stories where she’s wearing the red wig makes me so sad and mad (smad!) because I hate the sight of all those nice (and presumably new and clean) clothes just thrown on the floor. Couldn’t she have at least draped them on a chair or something if she wasn’t ready to completely tidy up??? Her posing and outfits are cute but I can’t figure out the lazy, dark background?? She has that huge apartment and can’t at least convert a corner of it into a studio?? Buy it:  Funny Girl Flowers Bird Vignette Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Perfect Deathstud Boots Join The Club Shirt

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 She’s shilled some seriously dumb, wasteful, and Perfect Deathstud Boots Join The Club Shirt irrelevant shit. She’ll pimp out just about anything. Zero shame, zero standards. It’s bad enough that she and countless influencers promote fast fashion, but she’s also a fucking hypocrite because you know that she doesn’t actually wear that Forever 21 trash. FFS, she owns handbags that cost more than my mortgage. Bare minimum I would like to commend Rachel for dropping that awful ass weave. I know she still gets snark for her cosplay wigs and other wigs/extensions, but seriously wtf was this. In her emo throwback video, he looked exactly like she does 99.9% all the time. She needs a makeover bad! The hair and style go even further than 2012… id says close to circa 2007-2008. Buy it:  Perfect Deathstud Boots Join The Club Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Premium Gobble Me Swallow Me Dancing Turkey Shirt

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 Did Noelle overwhelm her bathroom mirror with Premium Gobble Me Swallow Me Dancing Turkey Shirt an unnecessarily placed, cumbersome leaf garland/thirty-five pumpkins to make it fall? Lolol. It also looks like there were only 4 holes drilled into the wall for each corner, I’m surprised it hadn’t fallen down sooner! Would have expected slightly better for an expensive new-build penthouse. Aaaah, the ultimate test!! Someone posted a Mulan related question on Leo’s last ~somanyhours~ photoshop post. Will he answer? Delete it? Dig a deeper racism hole??? Bonus: the dude that posted it has a selfie of him and Leo & the only comment on it (though from 44wks ago) is a reference to his cheating ass. Buy it:  Premium Gobble Me Swallow Me Dancing Turkey Shirt  Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Nice Skull God Save The Queen American Flag Shirt

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 She’s a 30-year-old woman Nice Skull God Save The Queen American Flag Shirt who thinks life is a popularity contest, is the point. I could accept “steal your man” for the Slytherin post (although it’s awkward coming from Rach), but shouldn’t the captions have more to do with the house? Like, “steal your man” made no sense on the Hufflepuff post. “Luna Lovegood has been real quiet…” doesn’t really work for Ravenclaw. And I’m not a huge HP fan, but even I know this. Only Rachel would go to an exclusive, intimate Taylor Swift concert and proceed to stare at herself in her phone the entire time. And don’t get me started on how annoying Leo was during the concert. I hate these people. Buy it:  Nice Skull God Save The Queen American Flag Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt  

Good New Easily Distracted By Music And Wine Shirt

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 My take, both as Good New Easily Distracted By Music And Wine Shirt someone who tries to stay relatively organized and recognizes piles up quickly, AND as someone whose professional life occasionally involves seeing how intense/sad hoarding actually is, is just thinking about how. much. shit. this. woman. already. has. Pretty sure if she had done a big donation and/or sell-off, we would have heard about it, and we did not. She had that entire studio FULL of shit. Like to the ceiling, while her apartment was already decorated and she had at least a decent amount of clothing unpacked. She does NOT NEED boxes and boxes of additional crap. She REALLY needs to start thinking about what she’s doing before it gets completely out of control. Buy it:  Good New Easily Distracted By Music And Wine Shirt Premium Trending This Is Season: Earstees - Custom - T-shirt