Awesome Piano The Best Players Are On The Bench Vintage Shirt
However, when the ivory trade ramped up between Europe and Awesome Piano The Best Players Are On The Bench Vintage Shirt Africa, ivory became cheaper so the colors were reversed. Also: ebony trees take longer to reach maturity than elephants do. Maybe 200 years or more. Pianos were inherently very expensive. People like dressing up things that are expensive, even when there is no reason to, Who wants to pay through the nose for something that looks cheap? It’s also an extremely hardwood and very durable. So with something that might be made to last a couple of centuries the use of light but super durable materials makes sense. I don’t care if it’s not true, you’ll never persuade me otherwise! And LOTS of church organs (especially in Europe) still have the white and black keys reversed. Not just older models, but I remember the Presbyterian church I went to as Awesome Piano The Best Players Are On The Bench Vintage Shirt a kid getting a new sanctuary / new pipe organ. And it had reversed keys (brand new console), in the early 1980s. I watched a video the other day that also explained that it was easier to distinguish the keys having the sharps and flats as black Keys and the rest as white. Not sure of the validity of that but it sounds like it could be true.
Buy it: Awesome Piano The Best Players Are On The Bench Vintage Shirt
Buy it: Awesome Piano The Best Players Are On The Bench Vintage Shirt
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