Official What’s Your Damage Shirt
Local agriculture and production, you mean. Just spending regularly is Official What’s Your Damage Shirt the exact opposite of a start. My GF’s uncle has a small part-time farm he focuses on sustainability through permaculture where he raises, among other things, his own chicken. Quit complaining. Doubt you’ll do anything, either. At the very least it being more visible will allow people who can do something to realize that it’s an issue in the first place. Changing your consumption habits, because for real now, our politicians do fuck all. Indigenous Amazonians are being forced off of their land largely to farm soybeans for animal agriculture or to graze cattle. Eating less or no meat, especially beef, is a great start. Even if your beef or the beans it eats isn’t Brazilian, dropping your meat consumption makes it more attractive for Official What’s Your Damage Shirt other places that do buy from Brazil to buy from elsewhere. What are you doing about it? It’s kind of a dumb thing to say to people you don’t know and situations you don’t understand. If the US boycotts Brazil, Brazil shall simply work the Chinese so yeah make up your fucking mind. Mistervanilla is correct, if you really want to help, stop creating demand for beef. If you can’t stop eating meat, then eat less meat. Eat chicken. Eat more plants and encourage your friends to do the same. You’ll not only have an impact, but you’ll also be healthier too.
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