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This is correct. This is why gas masks (or any mask with a vent) are Funny Second Dick Shot T-Shirt not great during a pandemic. The vent lets out totally unfiltered air. People walking around with vented n95’s may be doing more harm than good. Designed for incoming, I suppose it would probably be fairly effective on most outgoing air, as I can’t imagine they have release valves that might let gas in, but that absolutely was not the design. Nobody designing a gas mask is worried about what’s coming out of it, as long as you can exhale freely. If you’re in a gas mask situation, and what’s coming out is the problem, you’re already dead.Like, people think I’m crazy for handling viruses and Funny Second Dick Shot T-Shirt other human pathogens. But you know what? Most of that stuff can’t bypass all of my protections and then kill me gruesomely. Nor can it send shrapnel through my precautions if I have a momentary lapse in judgment. Further, p-chem is bullshit and most of your senior-level classes are black magic. I only got a minor in chemistry as a specific fuck-you to my shit chemistry department because it only took one more class.
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