Good Bear Deadhead Water Definition Halloween Shirt
Before what we think of as Good Bear Deadhead Water Definition Halloween Shirt the blues, there were the Piedmont blues in Appalachia. As it traveled south, it morphed into the blues. As it moved east, it morphed into bluegrass and country. Bill Munroe may have coined the name, but not the style. The music predates Bill Munroe. “Bluegrass” (and “the blues”) was being played in Appalachia by the late nineteenth century. Both styles exist in the folk music of the region and time. Yeah, the beginnings of it. Bluegrass requires a pretty specific lineup, which wasn’t really standard until Monroe. Those same songs were being played, but it wasn’t quite bluegrass until Monroe’s band coalesced. I think you’ll find, after listening to Piedmont blues, that the “bluegrass sound” predates bluegrass. Munroe wasn’t born early enough to witness the genesis of Good Bear Deadhead Water Definition Halloween Shirt bluegrass, the sound, despite coining bluegrass, the name. Modern popular music has roots that come from all over, and few bands, if any, mixes different musical forms more than the Grateful Dead. But if you take out the Black American influence there would be little left. After all who originated Jazz, Blues, and Rock & Roll? I’m reminded of that Anthony Bourdain show he did in New Orleans where he talked a bunch of shit on the Dead.
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