Good The Nanny 27th Anniversary 1993 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt
Your title gets the point across without such a dark theme to it. I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Was it just a Good The Nanny 27th Anniversary 1993 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt random invasion, was she even famous back then? It seems crazy that someone can kick your door down and do that. Random invasion, 1980s LA was something else. I believe it was her, her husband, and another couple who were attacked. Doesn’t feel right blaming somebody being a piece of shit on that, but it’s probably true to some extent. I only read the TIL and didn’t realize there was an article to read until I saw your comment. Glad I went back and read the story. I never knew any of that backstory. I assume it’s one of those “didn’t read the article” comments but like…holy shit how can you read that she was brutally raped by armed robbers and not have your first reaction be, “this woman is a fucking badass for overcoming this and becoming a defining character of 90s television?” I grew up Good The Nanny 27t Anniversary 1993 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt on The Nanny and this is the first time I’m hearing of exactly what she overcame. After the re-watch, I went on Wikipedia to read about her and saw the incident, and oh man! It’s terrible! And that she came out so strong and successful. I fucking love Fran Drescher!
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