Nice Elephants Autism-It’s Ok To Be A Little Different Shirt
I saw a video years ago, from an elephant sanctuary. They brought a Nice Elephants Autism-It’s Ok To Be A Little Different Shirt new elephant in and had her in a quarantine type area blocked off from the others. This is from the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee. They are amazing! They take in all sorts of elephants and don’t allow humans in enclosures or visitors to view them. Their goal is to give them the best most natural care possible. There’s an elephant cam (telecom) and if you donate they’ll send you updates on the elephants. I would like to say thank you and I really mean it. My life’s work now is for Nice Elephants Autism-It’s Ok To Be A Little Different Shirt people to see in themselves the ability to make this world a better place. My entire life is in service of others achieving their dreams to make their world better. Luckily for me, when someone’s life gets better, the world gets that much better. I feel so honored I could help be a part of that. Yes, whenever you are sad, remember those once-mistreated elephants are living their best life due to your help. And goodness can spread, so I hope your kindness comes right back to you as happiness.
Buy it: Nice Elephants Autism-It’s Ok To Be A Little Different Shirt

Buy it: Nice Elephants Autism-It’s Ok To Be A Little Different Shirt

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