Nice Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Bus Blood Moon Shirt
If it’s a legitimate emergency, the bus window has ways to Nice Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Bus Blood Moon Shirt tries to shut that whole thing down. Actually no, if it was Republican, it would ignore the emergency and claim that the crack would go away by itself. One day, you would get on the bus and there would be no crack. Poof! Gone! This seems accurate in my head but I don’t know for sure. Gonna go ask r/IsItBullshit because you piqued my interest; thanks kind stranger! They crack fairly easily from the outside, but it would take a lot more force to actually breakthrough. Much easier to push it/ break it from the inside, but they’re more or less correct. As an aside, if you ever need to break a window from the outside see if Nice Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Bus Blood Moon Shirt you can get the spark plug or anything with porcelain (think it’s the porcelain that does it, anyway.) for whatever reason it shatters car windows. This instead of stabbing the pedestrian on your hood with a million pieces of glass. That way you can kick out your windshield in one piece. Both are specific types of safety glass. Although I’m not quite sure if busses have the same type of deal…
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Buy it: Nice Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Bus Blood Moon Shirt

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