Perfect Syrup Chugging Champion Shirt
This is coming from a person who likes cute champions, Lillia’s design is Perfect Syrup Chugging Champion Shirt very bland. I mean she’s cute yes, but she’s basically a Doe Neeko. You can make a Doe Champion and give her an interesting design, but no, you give us this…maybe her kit can save her. Yeah, I’m just finding that out, not only that but her abilities have the similar magic-flowery type like deal Neeko has going on too..smh..My disappointment is immense. Just sounds like normal Tokyo ben. Certain words will be totally different, and unless it’s bc my mom is also Kansai I don’t hear a difference. I just don’t understand how not a single soul at riot who interacted with this champion at Perfect Syrup Chugging Champion Shirt any point in time stopped for a moment and said “hey you know what? this champion looks a lot like a week. I think people won’t like that”. As a Scottish person, the accent they’ve given her is absolutely terrible… is this what Riot thinks Scots sound like? (It’s absolutely not). If there was, then surely someone would have flagged that this champ looks exactly like a relatively recent and not-so-popular champ.
Buy it:Perfect Syrup Chugging Champion Shirt

Buy it:Perfect Syrup Chugging Champion Shirt

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