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The rest are definitely anti-vax books, though. Usborne Books is Premium I’m Done Peopling Where Are My Books Shirt a predatory MLM in the US as well. Didn’t know about the MLM stuff. I remember enjoying their non-fiction books when I was young and my daughters have a few. Since having kids I’ve realized the 95% of kids’ storybooks are trash, and the other 5% is written by Julia Donaldson. In the US they sell them at retail as well. Our Costco carries them occasionally and I’ve seen them at the bookstore. I got some from the store, but since finding out the MLM aspect I won’t buy them at retail either. It’s too bad since they have some fun books. If you want another good one, Robert Munsch is an incredibly prolific kids author in Canada. As Premium I’m Done Peopling Where Are My Books Shirt an elementary school teacher, I highly recommend them. You forgot the part where the weasel dies. My grandma had a son in like 1951 who died from measles at the age of 4. We live in the luxury of not seeing children die or be handicapped by polio, measles, rubella, etc. To the point that we refuse life-saving medicine. Don’t forget the bit where measles erases all the antibodies for other diseases, meaning something like the flu can come along later and fuck you up.
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