Pretty Owl That’s What I Do I Drink Coffee Vintage Shirt
Taking your hands off the bars isn’t that big of a deal, bikes will track straight unless you do something to Pretty Owl That’s What I Do I Drink Coffee Vintage Shirt throw them off their course. But maintaining throttle, shifting gears, and keeping up with her with no more than one hand at a time on the bars is pretty impressive. Right? I get why she did it, it probably didn’t even occur to her and there’s nothing actually rude about it, but I don’t think I could have just dumped it out in his face like that. Kinda smart cause you don’t know if bugs crawled in or maybe the biker put something in it you never can be too careful but most likely is because it was cold. Born and raised in MT but my wife is from MN. I get antsy when I spent too much time away from the mountains. I assume it is similar to people who have a Pretty Owl That’s What I Do I Drink Coffee Vintage Shirt strong affinity for the ocean. Even my wife misses the midwestern prairie after too long. We get certain geographies in our blood and they never leave us. I’m from Pittsburgh and basically everywhere here are (small) Appalachian mountains, always hills in view around you. Going just 1 or 2 hours West or North it’s flat and the endless flatness of the midwest makes me feel kind of claustrophobic.
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Buy it: Pretty Owl That’s What I Do I Drink Coffee Vintage Shirt

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