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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2020

Awesome Skull Bills Mafia Halloween T-Shirt

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You must either upvote or downvote this comment based on Awesome Skull Bills Mafia Halloween T-Shirt your liking of the meme above. If you do not, I will access the CIA’s database, empty your bank account of funds, and sell your parents’ livers on the internet. The kid was obviously an idiot but I love how people think making death threats is ok and is gonna do anything… I don’t think it really is if he’s ballsy enough to lie about having brain cancer I doubt empty death threats will do anything to fix his attitude. Also, we shouldn’t have to justify sending death threats to someone even if what they did was really shitty. Why are people acting like he did some incredibly difficult task? It takes 30seconds to Awesome Skull Bills Mafia Halloween T-Shirt type out a basic sob story, and Reddit falls for it every time. Tomorrow the cycle will continue in ChoosingBeggars, AITA, teenagers, etc. except that the posters will just take their karma without admitting it. He just showed redditors ...

Funny Second Dick Shot T-Shirt

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This is correct. This is why gas masks (or any mask with a vent) are Funny Second Dick Shot T-Shirt not great during a pandemic. The vent lets out totally unfiltered air. People walking around with vented n95’s may be doing more harm than good. Designed for incoming, I suppose it would probably be fairly effective on most outgoing air, as I can’t imagine they have release valves that might let gas in, but that absolutely was not the design. Nobody designing a gas mask is worried about what’s coming out of it, as long as you can exhale freely. If you’re in a gas mask situation, and what’s coming out is the problem, you’re already dead.Like, people think I’m crazy for handling viruses and Funny Second Dick Shot T-Shirt other human pathogens. But you know what? Most of that stuff can’t bypass all of my protections and then kill me gruesomely. Nor can it send shrapnel through my precautions if I have a momentary lapse in judgment. Further, p-chem is bullshit and most of your senior-level c...

Good Scott 20 Schrute I Want People To Be Afraid Of How Much They Love Me T-Shirt

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Can you explain this a Good Scott 20 Schrute I Want People To Be Afraid Of How Much They Love Me T-Shirt a bit more, I find this stuff fascinating? Why would “boss” rank higher than “CEO” in Google’s eye? Wouldn’t people be googling Amazon CEO more often than Amazon Boss? You assume the average person knows what a CEO is. They might have heard the term in pop culture but they don’t know what it really means. So saying the boss is more simple and informative to the average Joe. I will bet my life and the lives of my 15 unborn children someone will find fault with her and it’ll be about giving more to a certain cause over another cause. I don’t think a blacker tax over the rich fixes the problem. I think we need to Good Scott 20 Schrute I Want People To Be Afraid Of How Much They Love Me T-Shirt focuses on giant corporations. Amazon, Google, and Apple combined pocketed 85 billion dollars in 2019. Most of that is Apple though coming in at 64 billion. I think a really difficult endeavo...

Nice Death See You Later Halloween Shirt

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Arthur Morgan’s death really took a toll on me. You spend half of Nice Death See You Later Halloween Shirt the game knowing what’s to come, dreading it. Rockstar broke my heart. Came here to post this, glad to see someone beat me to it. He’s one of my favorite fictional characters of all time. Came here looking for this one. “You’re gonna carry that weight.” Also obligatory this is a must-watch show, even if you don’t typically care for anime. It doesn’t really have the tropes and silliness that put people off of some animes, it’s generally a serious action drama that just happens to be animated. I thought no one was going to mention this. It’s been almost 30 years, this is Nice Death See You Later Halloween Shirt the first novel that made me cry. The movie didn’t help either, it hit me harder than the deaths of Mufasa or Littlefoot’s mom. Davos shows some great restraint, he’s legit holding back – the heartbreak and anger are evident in his voice. I had goosebumps. I still maintai...

Official Dragon And Butterfly Fight Like A Girl Breast Cancer Awareness Shirt

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A trigger is a reminder of past trauma. This reminder can cause a person to Official Dragon And Butterfly Fight Like A Girl Breast Cancer Awareness Shirt feel overwhelming sadness, anxiety, or panic. It may also cause someone to have flashbacks. A flashback is a vivid, often negative memory that may appear without warning. It can cause someone to lose track of their surroundings and “relive” a traumatic event. Why are you doubting that she gets triggered by butterflies? Clearly she is overstepping and needs some intense therapy, but there’s no reason someone can’t be triggered by something like butterflies. It’s less with pictures of butterflies than actual butterflies, but still there. I don’t make it anyone else’s problem (and take issue with people who try to Official Dragon And Butterfly Fight Like AGirl Breast Cancer Awareness Shirt make their mental illness someone else’s responsibility), but it still happens and takes time and lots of learned coping skills for me to calm dow...

Original Eat Pussy It’s Organic Shirt

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As a farmer, I wonder what the higher costs are. I would imagine the water. Municipally clean water is Original Eat Pussy It’s Organic Shirt far more expensive than the raw water from the river we put on our crops. I conduct lifecycle assessments of urban farming, and the results are quite abysmal, mostly because of the impossibility to scale up: operations such as seeding and weed removal, that would take a few hours in large fields require intensive manual labor and plenty of small tools instead of a single large one that can be used elsewhere. Basically, a single farmer in the countryside can provide for about 500 persons. In an urban farming setting, we’re back to 19th-century returns of about 1 food grower for 10-20 people. Civil engineering student here, I believe it would not be that much more expensive. To have it be considered an area people can work on, it would have to be double the load as Original Eat Pussy It’s Organic Shirt a standard roof. But since they are commercial,...

Perfect Far Du Er Ligesom Bacon Du Gor Alting Bedre Shirt

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I’m glad the students can find time in between being horribly cruel to Perfect Far Du Er Ligesom Bacon Du Gor Alting Bedre Shirt one another to also be horribly cruel to the poor, defenseless ALTs. “I thought so, but I realized I brought my problems with me. But instead of taking a good hard look at myself and my problems, I’m going to blame you and all of Japan for all my imported problems. Now excuse me, as I’ll go make a 15 minute YouTube video about how Japan has hurt my feelings. If this brat doesn’t keep his mouth shut about her nonexistent qualifications he won’t get to taste the foreign mango. Skirmish maps are not returning and would not fix acting as Perfect Far Duer Ligesom Bacon Du Gor Alting Bedre Shirt an issue. In the first part, skirmishes required unsustainable dev resources to maintain before they were removed. Re-implementing would require a great deal of time and effort to get back in, then continuing effort to maintain. They don’t want to do this, and won’t. I ...

Premium Flower It’s A Beautiful Day To Leave Me Alone Shirt

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I did this for years and my family thought I was crazy. The scorch marks were on Premium Flower It’s A Beautiful Day To Leave Me Alone Shirt the wood studs. I ran around the house yelling, “I told y’all I smelled smoke all those times!” It’s disturbing that when you’ve been a nurse for a while you can start to tell what someone has going on by how their stool smells. GI bleeds have a distinctive scent, as does Cdiff as you mentioned, even ‘COVID shits’ as we so delicately called them had their own certain smell. To me, GI bleed smell is the worse. It smells like death. Looking back on it is funny, it really is, because farts are hilarious and Premium Flower It’s A Beautiful Day To Leave Me Alone Shirt sometimes even funnier when they smell bad but I didn’t have any clue that there would ever be a time “to look back and laugh”. It was always happening, no escape no other pill or diet change I could make, I tried all of it, just endless stankass forever and ever until I died where th...

Pretty Ghost Chemo Hair Don’t Care Nurse Halloween Shirt

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I just keep thinking about how blown my 13-year-old mind would be back in Pretty Ghost Chemo Hair Don’t Care Nurse Halloween Shirt the PS1/2 days if I saw photos from this game and that they were also real-time and in-game. I find myself thinking the same sort of thing here recently. Grew up with N64 and PS2 myself! Crazy to see how far the medium has come. But it was the same back then. Nobody ever saw anything like what the PS1/2 did back then and people were equally amazed. Same as they were with N64 and playing Mario for the first time in a 3d world. Same as it’ll be another 20-25 years down the road. I was dunno, man. We’re rapidly approaching photo-realistic and Pretty GhostChemo Hair Don’t Care Nurse Halloween Shirt clearing the uncanny valley in the process. I’m sure in 20-25 years we’ll have that, and it’ll probably be in VR as well, but until we make the leap to full-on holograms I’m not sure we’ll see major movements forward like we do if we compare N64 to current tech. ...

Top Ghost Rider 13 Years Of Release 2007-2020 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt

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I feel like it depends on if Top Ghost Rider 13 Years Of Release 2007-2020 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt a game engine can support large-scale destruction without it crashing. I didn’t mind the first Iron Man game because it was just an arcade flight sim with a man in place of a fighter jet. The second game, while I liked the story, was slower and objectively worse. It’s one of two games I got all the achievements for because it was that easy to accomplish. Oh man, this brings back memories. Going to the highest nearby building and elbow dropping onto a single soldier just to send him flying. The team that worked on that game really enjoyed doing so and it shows in the gameplay. I still get PTSD from pre-nerf fire damage. Back when every enemy would proc for Top GhostRider 13 Years Of Release 2007-2020 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt like 9000% damage per tick, and your entire run was dictated by when a fire creature managed to proc through your teddy bear...

Awesome Horse Notes On Sheet Music Shirt

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I had to look way too long to Awesome Horse Notes On Sheet Music Shirt find this comment. This horse was fairly calm considering. Many horses I know would have reacted much more violently. This applies to people as well. Went sailing once and capsized when I and my friends’ boats collided. Man, that moment of panic when I felt a rope tied around my ankle. When I was little I was in the shallow part of a lake and a small fish kept following me and nibbling on my toe. Even after I screamed and kicked and cried that bastard persisted, as the adults around me giggled at my freak out. Thanks for jiggling loose that repressed memory. Then today I went and asked my mom if Awesome Horse Notes On Sheet Music Shirt she remembered that, and she’s all “no why would I remember that that obviously happens to people all the time it’s not a unique event”. WHAT??? Is this something that happens to people all the time? Because I have never in my life heard anyone else discuss this icky phenomenon. B...

Funny If We Must Die We Die Defending Our Rights Shirt

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The problem I think is that some women (like me) have almost no physical symptoms when on Funny If We Must Die We Die Defending Our Rights Shirt the rag. I barely have cramps and other than that I’m fine, besides being extra emotional right before. I often miss my period (I’m not on birth control and have never been pregnant), and when I do get my period, it’s really painful. I’m thankful for my female obgyn and her staff is very kind and understanding. I quit going to all obgyns, because her message was clear, I do not matter and I must be lying. Oh agreed. I thought horrendous periods were normal for Funny If We Must Die We Die Defending Our Rights Shirt years until I started talking w other women and was diagnosed w Endometriosis. Periods should not be hell and if they are then you should def go see a doctor. Endometriosis here. I was told for 20 years that I was being overly dramatic and “it can’t be that bad”. Finally found a doctor. Exploratory surgery discovered endometriosis an...

Good The Nanny 27th Anniversary 1993 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt

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Your title gets the point across without such a dark theme to it. I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Was it just a Good The Nanny 27th Anniversary 1993 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt random invasion, was she even famous back then? It seems crazy that someone can kick your door down and do that. Random invasion, 1980s LA was something else. I believe it was her, her husband, and another couple who were attacked. Doesn’t feel right blaming somebody being a piece of shit on that, but it’s probably true to some extent. I only read the TIL and didn’t realize there was an article to read until I saw your comment. Glad I went back and read the story. I never knew any of that backstory. I assume it’s one of those “didn’t read the article” comments but like…holy shit how can you read that she was brutally raped by armed robbers and not have your first reaction be, “this woman is a fucking badass for overcoming this and becoming a defining character of 90s television?” I g...

Nice The Bearded Elf Shirt

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I honestly don‘t get all of these bridezillas. Life is more than a Nice The Bearded Elf Shirt wedding, a relationship is more than a wedding. Also, it‘s not only her wedding – its also her partner’s wedding. OP really needs to respect his wishes. I honestly feel like most bridezillas don‘t know how relationships work and I really wonder why they‘re getting married in the first place if they can‘t compromise or respect their partners’ wishes. Relationships aren’t a series of arguments to ‘win’ against another party. And marriages aren’t about pictures of one day. OP, I really hope you take this entire thread as food for thought. I’m not even married but I take the idea of Nice The Bearded Elf Shirt it (when I’m ready) damn seriously. When I see people treat their spouses, fiances, serious partners with a lot less courtesy than I’ve given or received even casual dates, I wonder what the hell people think love is actually about. And a wedding like Her Perfect Day is really just a very...

Official Sunflower Life Is Just Better When I’m With My Mechanic America Flag Shirt

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How do you know the children will be this black? Whenever I’ve collected seeds from red sunflowers, their children are always yellow. You’re assuming I know stuff. You should save the seeds and Official Sunflower Life Is Just Better When I’m With My Mechanic America Flag Shirt offer them to people in seed swaps or even to Baker Creek seeds, they specialize in rare seeds and would grow these and sell the seeds. You could even be the one to name it! Because I am first a gardener and am not a salesman. I did not think of selling the seed but rather distributing it as much as possible to ensure Black Sunflower becomes a thing. Ah man, that entire thread is disappointing. I feel like the Official Sunflower Life Is Just Better When I’m With My Mechanic America Flag Shirt anti-vax movement is just something that pervades everything that can be seen as even a little bit “crunchy”. I’ll probably be a little wary from now on but still keep buying since I haven’t seen anything that tells me B...

Original Rebuilt Engine Open Heart Surgery Vintage Shirt

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Everyone already knew there was an “International Flipper Pinball Association”?! I’m just finding out about this. I would have had many different aspirations as an Original Rebuilt Engine Open Heart Surgery Vintage Shirt child had I been aware of. Seattle had 11 tournaments a week, plus two leagues before the plague hit. Basically every major city has events at least monthly. Searching pinball plus your city name on Facebook generally find your local group. I was going to be all angry and, “grrr get a job,” bullshit, but then I realized just how innocent and wholesome this is. Props, gents. More of this! Your first thought was to tell at people in a pinball group to Original RebuiltEngine Open Heart Surgery Vintage Shirt get jobs?? That’s so strange, why would you assume the members are unemployed and wasting their life playing pinball? Is that your reaction to anyone doing anything besides being at work? I mean, this dude (and probably most of the members in the pinball group) are...

Perfect Pro-Trump That 2020Reelect Donald President Republican Shirt

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Honestly, I, unfortunately, don’t think it would have phased him for Perfect Pro-Trump That 2020Reelect Donald President Republican Shirt more than a moment. A minor embarrassment but ultimately his ego is too large to be damaged. In the same way, you can’t fight blind faith with science, it doesn’t matter to him or his followers what they view to be a “stadium full of lefties” think. He blindly follows his own “church of trump” and nothing anyone says or does could persuade him to question himself. Remember that he went on a tour to find an event that wouldn’t boo him. Ultimately, it was an Alabama football game after Bama warned students about booing. Things like this stick with him. He is petty. I despise the man, but when I saw that video 8 months ago, I remember feeling a Perfect Pro-Trump That 2020 Reelect Donald President Republican Shirt twinge of empathy. I feel nothing now. It might be because two of my coworkers are dead. There is no forgiveness for him or his piece of s...

Premium Not All Witches Ride Broomsticks Halloween Shirt

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This was common among all nations in the war. People eventually just learned how to Premium Not All Witches Ride Broomsticks Halloween Shirt distinguish the truth behind the fake newspapers. If they made a “strategic withdrawal of troops” after the glorious victory then it means that they lost. This notoriously happened in the Soviet Union. Egypt is a great example too since many Pharaohs would put their Cartouche (kind of like a royal seal/coat of arms) over their predecessor’s at the temples, to claim credit for having built the temples. It’s mind-boggling how pervasive homeopathy is Premium Not All WitchesRide Broomsticks Halloween Shirt, especially amongst educated people! The irony! Something people forget often is that witch hunts only got popular after the Middle Ages were over. The catholic church banned belief in witches or magic as pagan nonsense. They kept the superstitious hicks in check until the Protestant reformation where every wacko with a Bible could start his own...

Pretty Never Underestimate An Old Woman Who Drives A School Bus Shirt

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I just cut a bunch of lines out of this to use in Pretty Never Underestimate An Old Woman Who Drives A School Bus Shirt my Twitch stream. The bitches alcohol and cocaine, the eating her ass ten times, the upper peninsula of Michigan. You should binge his entire channel front to back. I couldn’t tell you offhand how long it’ll take to watch, but he has 19 videos of Double-A+ content. Not too terrible of an investment of time. It’s unfortunate man, he really did try to get clean but the demons of addiction are heavy, it’s almost like all his fans were with him along the way, most of us till the very end. Yeah, I wasn’t friends with him but I remember everyone knew who “Trek God” was and Pretty Never Underestimate An Old Woman Who Drives A School Bus Shirt he was definitely talked about. Pretty cool to see how successful he’s been, the guy apparently has a good sense of what’s popular. This comment really hit me hard. Always difficult to listen to Mac’s music and hear him accept he’d ...

Top Llama Skull ReTop Llama Skull Remember Why You Started Halloween Shirt member Why You Started Halloween Shirt

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When I groomed llamas we used mane & tail diluted in water to break up Top Llama Skull Remember Why You Started Halloween Shirt any knots. But honestly, their fibre is so soft and silky if they’ve been well-fed and well-groomed it just looks like that. Llamas are amazing. Is it normal for them to have their bodies clipped but not the neck? I love talking about llamas! The main difference between a llama and alpaca fibre is that llamas have guard hairs. The process isn’t too difficult as the hairs are longer, so they can be plucked out of the shorn fibre easily. The blanket is the most valuable fibre (long-staple, clean, fewer guard hairs), while the neck has more guard hairs and shorter fibre. Most owners find it cost-effective to the only shear and Top Llama Skull Remember Why You Started Halloween Shirt process the blanket. The animals have sensitive necks and it really extends the shearing process for no additional benefit.  Cool, thanks. Not ever having processed llama...

Awesome Blood Inside Me USPS I Don’t Stop When I’m Tired I Stop When I’m Done Shirt

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I used to be really into collecting magazines and Awesome Blood Inside Me USPS I Don’t Stop When I’m Tired I Stop When I’m Done Shirt guides for retro games. They weren’t always expensive but the condition mattered to me. My dumb fuck mailman would always fold them in half with a crease. Fucking dickhead. Yeah, here the mailman won’t come to the door for anything. Did the package say do not bend? If not then how would they know that it’s not paper? It was sent media mail and almost everyone assumes media mail is paperback books. Nice! I’m moving back to Austin in a few months and hear there are like 20-30 records stores there now. I’m super pumped to be back home and out of Las Vegas. I was about to Awesome BloodInside Me USPS I Don’t Stop When I’m Tired I Stop When I’m Done Shirt says, this is not mildly infuriating. This definitely belongs in extremely infuriating! I sure hope you get a refund. How do you not know to not fold a record? They could also use a shipping method that i...

Funny Bigfoot On A Dark Desert Highway Cool Wind In My Hair Halloween Shirt

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I think the thing that sticks with me most about Obama is Funny Bigfoot On A Dark Desert Highway Cool Wind In My Hair Halloween Shirt how he was with children. There were occasional days where staff brought their kids to work because there was some event happening. The kids in the photos with Obama in the Oval Office/West Wing are usually staff kids. Infamous is used for something that is famous for “all the wrong reasons” I.e. the Columbine Shooters are infamous. I always skipped over those. Were they seriously asking people to give a multi-millionaire they don’t know a birthday present? That’s just pathetic. I miss a president that has an actual sense of humor, not like the current piece of Funny Bigfoot On A Dark Desert Highway Cool Wind In MyHair Halloween Shirt shit who only laughs when he punches down. Trump can only find laughter in other peoples’ misery. I was most definitely not a big supporter of much/most of Obama’s policies but he sure did have tons of charisma and char...

Good Bear Deadhead Water Definition Halloween Shirt

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Before what we think of as Good Bear Deadhead Water Definition Halloween Shirt the blues, there were the Piedmont blues in Appalachia. As it traveled south, it morphed into the blues. As it moved east, it morphed into bluegrass and country. Bill Munroe may have coined the name, but not the style. The music predates Bill Munroe. “Bluegrass” (and “the blues”) was being played in Appalachia by the late nineteenth century. Both styles exist in the folk music of the region and time. Yeah, the beginnings of it. Bluegrass requires a pretty specific lineup, which wasn’t really standard until Monroe. Those same songs were being played, but it wasn’t quite bluegrass until Monroe’s band coalesced. I think you’ll find, after listening to Piedmont blues, that the “bluegrass sound” predates bluegrass. Munroe wasn’t born early enough to witness the genesis of Good Bear Deadhead Water Definition Halloween Shirt bluegrass, the sound, despite coining bluegrass, the name. Modern popular music has roo...

Nice Adam Levine Legends Are Born In June Shirt

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Upvote this comment if you feel this submission is characteristic of Nice Adam Levine Legends Are Born In June Shirt our subreddit. Downvote this if you feel that it is not. If this comment’s score falls below a certain number, this submission will be automatically removed. The people I see in Target I swear. One of the greatest mysteries to me is public toilet graffiti. I have never met an individual that carries a Sharpie and yet somehow they are everywhere. Who the fuck goes partying with a marker pen? I once saw a moist vag drawing on the toilet wall while taking a piss and ushered (while peeing) “wow, that’s fucking detailed.” Did you mean “uttered”? I’m struggling with the meaning implied by “ushered”… like someone was standing directly behind you whispering sweet nothings about moist vaginas into your ear as Nice Adam Levine Legends Are Born In June Shirt you urinate thoughtfully. Graffiti is just a texture pack that exists to help less traveled, behind-the-curtain areas see...

Official 5 Signs I’m Probably A Dragon I Hoard Useless Shiny Things I Eat Too Much I Sleep Too Much I Don’t Like Leaving My Cave Shirt

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Shadowmere kept fighting Serana in my last game. I guess she’d accidentally hit him with a spell or Official 5 Signs I’m Probably A Dragon I Hoard Useless Shiny Things I Eat Too Much I Sleep Too Much I Don’t Like Leaving My Cave Shirt something and he’d get mad and start fighting her. I don’t use horses that often in Skyrim, but can you tell me what’s so special about these horses? Don’t they just take you from point A to B? Do they fight better? Are they faster? Special horses such as ShadowMere have a TON of health, great for grinding out attacking skills, The other one (Arvak) is special because he can glitch around and get places. Avec is a summonable horse, and shadomare is Official 5Signs I’m Probably A Dragon I Hoard Useless Shiny Things I Eat Too Much I Sleep Too Much I Don’t Like Leaving My Cave Shirt a vampire horse who respawns. Also, the shadow is respawned after 30 in-game days. Meaning you can kick the shit out of her, and use her to store stuff. Then just wait a coup...

Original 5 Out Of 4 People Struggle With Math Vintage Shirt

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Seriously we got double wammy by the courts. The least egregious was the Original 5 Out Of 4 People Struggle With Math Vintage Shirt State Supreme Court which told us the governor couldn’t delay the election. Technically true but the blame falls on the Republican legislature for not allowing for an extension. I hope everyone is ready for this to play out nationwide when COVID comes back in the fall just before the election. This is why the court’s matter. Just absolute trash people. I’m curious where you’re at because in my town I went in to vote and there were like five people there; the workers were wearing masks and you kept the pens. I live with my step-father who passionately supports trump and Original 5 Out Of 4People Struggle With Math Vintage Shirt gets mad if I fact check things online because “Google doesn’t know everything”. I was that way with my grandfather until he passed recently. Even as his dementia worsened he held fast to that stubborn belief that Obama was a Mu...

Perfect You Curse Too Much Bitch You Breathe Too Much Shut The Fuck Up Shirt

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He’s constantly arguing with people and cherry-picking comments to Perfect You Curse Too Much Bitch You Breathe Too Much Shut The Fuck Up Shirt disagree with. His comment history is aggressive and honestly paints him out to be kind of a dick. This post isn’t making him out to be a very nice person either. I’m not sure he’d have much more luck offline if he acts the same way there as he does online. Exactly. And unfortunately, because of COVID, it’s harder for people. The virus is keeping many people from getting out and doing these healthy things, having a social life, etc. I’ve definitely noticed my general level of anger being higher in the last few months. Most people are in both groups…toxic, and gregarious. The most toxic person can do a Perfect You Curse Too Much Bitch You Breathe Too Much Shut The Fuck Up Shirt 180 when they finally put away the phone or stop working, and go eat a nice meal, watch a sunset, talk with someone, lift some weights, read a book, play a game. Seri...

Premium Weed Herbalife Nutrition Addict Shirt

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Do not fall for it. It’s a pyramid scheme and it can’t be worse. Huge miss by a team that has a very limited fanbase and was on the rise. That’s the part that saddens me, I don’t have hope that things will ever change for Premium Weed Herbalife Nutrition Addict Shirt the better.. Sure on an individual level I can have a good life with some luck but that would be a sign of how privileged I am. GZ can do whatever they want, even if it is pretty scummy IMO. But, why did the league allow this? I understand organizations are more than just the games played. But they show other teams sponsors on stream. Will they advertise a pyramid scheme on stream? I never thought much of Herbalife, and Premium Weed Herbalife Nutrition Addict Shirt I even walked away from a 1k investment that would have maybe made me a millionaire as a friend who took me to one of the initial meetings at a vacant storefront in Beverly Hills in 1980-81 with Mark Hughes. He was selling stuff out the back of his car, but ...

Pretty COVID Dietary Staff Because Superhero Isn’t An Official Job Title Shirt

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Pretty sure others have said it, but for me, it’s Iron Man – the first one to begin the entire franchise. RDJ is bloody brilliant and carries the film and becomes one with the character. If this film miscast or Pretty COVID Dietary Staff Because Superhero Isn’t An Official Job Title Shirt if RDJ didn’t nail it the way he did, their prob wouldn’t be a Marvel movie franchise that we know. Been a lot of great ones mentioned, but I’m really partial to Hellboy. Such a great film and the sequel was also fantastic. They should’ve just made the last movie in the trilogy. Starting a new film just threw me off. I didn’t like the new Hellboy’s design. My favorite inspirational speech in any superhero movie. They knew how low the odds were that a Pretty COVID DietaryStaff Because Superhero Isn’t An Official Job Title Shirt bunch of misfits would survive, and they went forward for the greater good. “We’re all in over our heads and we know it. I was there! I fought the good fight!'”. Spider-man ...

Top That’s What I Do I Craft Stuff I Hate People And I Know Things Vintage Halloween Shirt

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There are lots of breweries participating and Top That’s What I Do I Craft Stuff I Hate People And I Know Things Vintage Halloween Shirt if you check the site you can possibly find a brewery near you. A local brewery near me added a twist and instead of a stout, they are releasing a sour. Hill farmstead also released a beer and donated 100% of proceeds (over 35k) to NAACP legal defense fund, the innocence project, and know your rights camp. Glad there are lots of breweries doing it. Cheers! I doubt there’s a single country where money won’t let you bend the rules or outright break them. Actually ICANN changed it a while back and Top That’s What I Do I Craft Stuff I Hate People And I Know Things Vintage Halloween Shirt you can get your own TLD if you’re willing to pay enough (I believe it initially went for a few hundred thousand dollars); the idea was a brand could buy their rights. Now, for “public” registration, there are hundreds if not thousands available. Boulevard Brewery nee...

Awesome Hidin’ From Biden 2020 Vote Shirt

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I’m so sorry you had to undertake that, but I’m sure it meant a lot to him. America should support people when they’re going through struggles like this. If you hadn’t been there for Awesome Hidin’ From Biden 2020 Vote Shirt him, the government would have had to pay for institutionalized care for your father, so I don’t understand why they can’t pay the same amount to help people who forego their own income to do the right thing and take care of the family. We should support strong families who are taking care of each other. Every damn time. I’m in a similar situation with my grandmother who has dementia. Now my mother is starting to show the same symptoms. Around the time my grandmother dies my mom will need full-time care too. Good grief, I feel this so much! I’m caring for my grandmother now (COPD and dementia). My Dad is getting up Awesome Hidin’ From Biden 2020 Vote Shirt there in years, as are my in-laws. No one is in great health. I cant imagine how hard it’s going to be to ...

Funny Firefighter Woman Man Camera TvGo Vote Shirt

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I thought Fools Gold was going to be a much more common occurrence in Funny Firefighter Woman Man Camera Tv Go Vote Shirt my life than what my childhood lead me to believe. Has it not been? I guess I work in a field where I see lots of rocks but still, it is so so common. The only thing that surprised me out of that list was that y’all are responsible for ops stuff like painting, bird clearing, and runway checks. Must be a small airport? Not huge but certainly not small. we have 4 Rosenbaur HRET Panthers at 1 million pounds each. We take over operations at night when ops go home. And painting, well, … Why pay someone to do it, get a fire to do it Interestingly, I’m familiar with airports that have a much smaller fire department but even then all the ops stuff is handled by airport ops and not the fire guys. We work very closely with ops. Basically runway inspections before a flight. We do all their jobs except grass cutting. Putin hates this. He has outlawed rainbows in Russia, the...

Good Fed Up Give God Control He Delivers Shirt

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You don’t understand how imperialism works? C’mon dude, Europeans were doing this shit before the US was even a nation. If anything, you should be telling us how to Good Fed Up Give God Control He Delivers Shirt break the cycle. When Europeans were doing this shit and America was a land occupied by natives, we Finns were chilling and minding our own business. I don’t know shit about politics but I know that much that a rapper couldn’t be a president in here… Hopefully. I died when Kanye just gave up On Donny right after contacted the coronavirus. The good thing is he was late and isn’t going to run for president, lmao. He is just delusional. As a person who lives in a country your soldiers are destroying, I wonder every day why vets are so Good Fed Up Give God Control He Delivers Shirt praised but then again I understand they don’t have control over where they are deployed. Our military is predatory. They need the poverty that exists especially in the southern states to thrive. A l...

Nice Elephants Autism-It’s Ok To Be A Little Different Shirt

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I saw a video years ago, from an elephant sanctuary. They brought a Nice Elephants Autism-It’s Ok To Be A Little Different Shirt new elephant in and had her in a quarantine type area blocked off from the others. This is from the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee. They are amazing! They take in all sorts of elephants and don’t allow humans in enclosures or visitors to view them. Their goal is to give them the best most natural care possible. There’s an elephant cam (telecom) and if you donate they’ll send you updates on the elephants. I would like to say thank you and I really mean it. My life’s work now is for Nice Elephants Autism-It’s Ok To Be A Little Different Shirt people to see in themselves the ability to make this world a better place. My entire life is in service of others achieving their dreams to make their world better. Luckily for me, when someone’s life gets better, the world gets that much better. I feel so honored I could help be a part of that. Yes, whenever you are ...

Official Basketball I’m Not Afraid To Fall Out So Don’t Even Try Me Shirt

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Henry seems like a nice guy, but c’mon, dude doesn’t get an Official Basketball I’m Not Afraid To Fall Out So Don’t Even Try Me Shirt body like that by sitting around PC gaming all day. Not all day. But if he works out a for a few hours most mornings and eats right then I don’t see why he can’t play several hours a day when he wants to. Honestly, I was in many senses my laziest, when I was in my best shape. The first-year college, used to hit the gym one day, basketball for a few hours the other day, but other than that I just chilled in my dorm studying or playing COD with my roomies on my ass all day. Meal cards paid for all my food so I never had to cook. Point being when it’s your job to stay fit and be attractive. 2 hours of exercise 4x per week and Official Basketball I’m Not Afraid To Fall Out So Don’t Even Try Me Shirt the will power to eat for a getting lean or building muscle is all that’s necessary to look as good as most actors. That leaves 160 hours a week to play vide...

Original You Just Fold It In Vintage Shirt

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I think a porcupine might sound better hedgehogs are really small and Original You Just Fold It In Vintage Shirt their spikes are not that spikey. I’ve held one but just for a moment and its spikes we’re very small and it was super cute tho it might not have been fully grown. I know a girl who walked around with hers in her hoody pocket. Cute yes, but the ones I’ve handled where quite spikey enough for my taste. The cuteness goes fast when they start hissing though. It’s gotta be missing the handle part, right? Like some sort of decorative tang sorta thing, but didn’t get the resin. Looks like a cheap rainbow Knockoff of a Koch Tools knife. Guys make cool EDC tools and Original You Just Fold It In Vintage Shirt knives. Kinda forgot about his page, so thank you OP for getting me back into the Gucci pocket tool insta world. Can you imagine working on a project and thinking, you know that nut just might fit my stupid as shit knife thing? Yea, me either. You could find some kind of sh...

Perfect I Was So Innocent And Then My Best Friend Came Long Shirt

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People say a lot of things. It’s your choice to get past it and Perfect I Was So Innocent And Then My Best Friend Came Long Shirt show them they’re wrong. These guys are shining examples of human resilience. AWESOME!! I’m a disability support worker and it is also great to see they’re such good friends. Many of the adults with intellectual disabilities that I work with struggle to find friends, partners. When I did that job I worked in a small home of 6 but it was a big company and so we went to discos and whatnot with other homes. They found love a lot always talked about boyfriends and girlfriends. There’s a security guard near me who looks exactly like Freddy Mercury just more tanned. Should I ask for  Perfect I Was So Innocent And Then My Best Friend Came Long Shirt his picture or is that too weird? I’ve been fighting myself to not just say it to him but he must know because it’s like a 1:1 similarity and he would only do that on purpose right? Suave af. Only Satan would t...

Premium I’m Done Peopling Where Are My Books Shirt

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The rest are definitely anti-vax books, though. Usborne Books is Premium I’m Done Peopling Where Are My Books Shirt a predatory MLM in the US as well. Didn’t know about the MLM stuff. I remember enjoying their non-fiction books when I was young and my daughters have a few. Since having kids I’ve realized the 95% of kids’ storybooks are trash, and the other 5% is written by Julia Donaldson. In the US they sell them at retail as well. Our Costco carries them occasionally and I’ve seen them at the bookstore. I got some from the store, but since finding out the MLM aspect I won’t buy them at retail either. It’s too bad since they have some fun books. If you want another good one, Robert Munsch is an incredibly prolific kids author in Canada. As Premium I’m Done Peopling Where Are My Books Shirt an elementary school teacher, I highly recommend them. You forgot the part where the weasel dies. My grandma had a son in like 1951 who died from measles at the age of 4. We live in the luxury o...

Pretty Owl That’s What I Do I Drink Coffee Vintage Shirt

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Taking your hands off the bars isn’t that big of a deal, bikes will track straight unless you do something to Pretty Owl That’s What I Do I Drink Coffee Vintage Shirt throw them off their course. But maintaining throttle, shifting gears, and keeping up with her with no more than one hand at a time on the bars is pretty impressive. Right? I get why she did it, it probably didn’t even occur to her and there’s nothing actually rude about it, but I don’t think I could have just dumped it out in his face like that. Kinda smart cause you don’t know if bugs crawled in or maybe the biker put something in it you never can be too careful but most likely is because it was cold. Born and raised in MT but my wife is from MN. I get antsy when I spent too much time away from the mountains. I assume it is similar to people who have a Pretty Owl That’s What I Do I Drink Coffee Vintage Shirt strong affinity for the ocean. Even my wife misses the midwestern prairie after too long. We get certain geog...

Top Shark Swimming I Hate People Vintage Shirt

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And untrained idiots shouldn’t be swimming with GW ‘for the gram’. I mean this as Top Shark Swimming I Hate People Vintage Shirt a legitimate question – but if Ocean Ramsey is being unethical in the linked video, what about Steve Irwin, who Reddit seems to love? He’s famous for manhandling wild animals, but no one seems to give him hate for it. These aren’t comparable situations. In this video, they’re doing it for internet likes, while Steve Irwin was a conservationist. He would help wild animals, attach tracking devices to wild animals, rescue wild animals, feed them, direct them to water.  I copied across my comment where I said big blue first and crossed it out and Top Shark Swimming I Hate People Vintage Shirt renamed deep blue but the formatting didn’t come across I guess. Basically deep blue, regarded as the biggest known shark was supposedly out there at the time OR heard about it and when they filmed her swimming with this particular shark, they said it ‘looked like i...

Awesome Golden Girls Mask Picture It Quarantine 2020 Vintage Retro Shirt

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That reminds me of Awesome Golden Girls Mask Picture It Quarantine 2020 Vintage Retro Shirt a childhood friend who would protest having to do his vacuum chore by pushing the vacuum along every part of the carpet without turning it on. The wheel marks made it look like he had vacuumed. The logic of a child. When I was ten-ish years old, I hated brushing my teeth. My parents were sticklers that I would brush for two minutes. I would literally squeeze a bit of pastedown the sink and brush the wall for two minutes in case they were outside the door listening. I was quite dumb. Your story reminds me of back when America was still just trying to contain the virus in its early stages. In other words, they went through the motion of actually doing it, and Awesome Golden Girls Mask Picture It Quarantine 2020 Vintage Retro Shirt for all intents and purposes did do it, but without the actual agent that makes doing the action purposefully. It amazes me the lengths people will go to just to loo...

Funny Life Is Good Enjoy The Ride Shirt

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I put off buying a whetstone for a long time, mostly because I was Funny Life Is Good Enjoy The Ride Shirt nervous I would use it wrong and ruin my knives, but it’s not too hard at all if you get one with an angle guide. Makes chopping stuff up faster, easier & safer. Eventually, the dullness started to actually bother me so I spent 30 seconds watching a Youtube video and gave it a crack. Then I learned it had been bothering me my whole life and I just didn’t know it. No matter the knife my wife would always just use pressure to cut things. She was amazed at how I was able to cut tomatoes and bread without destroying them. “Let the knife do the cutting”. Motion sensor night lights. Can’t tell you how many stubbed toes or Funny Life Is Good Enjoy The Ride Shirt falls they have prevented. Get a motion-activated toilet bowl light. They’re amazing. Relatedly, a dimmer switch for the bathroom. Works in the middle of the night, as well as early mornings, as you can gradually increase...

Good I May Live In Georgia But My Story Began In Ohio Vintage Shirt

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They can’t help it, they have to get their “humans are so bad” agenda out, completely disregarding the majority and Good I May Live In Georgia But My Story Began In Ohio Vintage Shirt treating us all like the few sickkos. Some Redditors suck and that commenter is one of them. Desperation for a tiny dopamine kick by making such a stupid comment. I was wondering why the hell people are driving like this in the video. In the US people are pretty good about stopping for kids, and dogs, in the streets. No one records videos of people driving well and posts them to the internet. I used to do a lot of work in Georgia. I used to stay in a Good I May Live In Georgia But My Story Began In Ohio Vintage Shirt really posh Marriott there on the main street. Posh like Bentleys out front and doormen in full uniforms. Nice story. Seems like the country needs a better system of Driving Education if several cars just drive through a crosswalk multiple times while people are trying to cross the road. ...

Nice Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Bus Blood Moon Shirt

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If it’s a legitimate emergency, the bus window has ways to Nice Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Bus Blood Moon Shirt tries to shut that whole thing down. Actually no, if it was Republican, it would ignore the emergency and claim that the crack would go away by itself. One day, you would get on the bus and there would be no crack. Poof! Gone! This seems accurate in my head but I don’t know for sure. Gonna go ask r/IsItBullshit because you piqued my interest; thanks kind stranger! They crack fairly easily from the outside, but it would take a lot more force to actually breakthrough. Much easier to push it/ break it from the inside, but they’re more or less correct. As an aside, if you ever need to break a window from the outside see if Nice Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Bus Blood Moon Shirt you can get the spark plug or anything with porcelain (think it’s the porcelain that does it, anyway.) for whatever reason it shatters car windows. This instead of stabbing the pedes...

Official Some Of Us Grew Up Playing With Fire Trucks The Lucky Ones Still Do Vintage Shirt

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Don’t forget that you can build knock-offs from kits if you trust your ability to build a flying machine. “Building an airplane is enough payment in experience for me”. This was far enough back that demand for Official Some Of Us Grew Up Playing With Fire Trucks The Lucky Ones Still Do Vintage Shirt commercial drone operators with FAA certification wasn’t even on people’s radar. This one was imported to the US, where I drive it and am definitely the smallest thing on the road. Where it lacks in safety it makes up in making people laugh and smile! Definitely a car that would give me a giggle driving by. I imagine you crammed in the cab hunched over the steering wheel. Please tell me it has a funny horn. I only know about that edit because when you spend 10 seconds on Official Some Of Us Grew Up Playing With Fire Trucks The Lucky Ones Still Do Vintage Shirt a conservative subreddit you’ll find Jimmy Kimmel since they can’t stop talking about him, then 2 comments down you’ll find abou...

Original Virginia Union Black Ivy League Shirt

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It doesn’t even sound like he was jaywalking… just running to Original Virginia Union Black Ivy League Shirt cross the street. Which like, isn’t illegal as far as I’m aware? I like how the cop is like “I’m gonna explain why it’s a problem” and then switches gears to tell the girl to relax, while never explaining why running across the street makes him a criminal. I’d be getting names and going to anyone who would listen, up to and including the media. Why do all these morons have to try and say this so they can claim the situation went out of control or to manipulate others. Why can’t these types of authority figures just admit they made a mistake? The training seems to be: never show weakness and always escalate these situations, otherwise, you might have to apologize, and Original Virginia Union Black Ivy League Shirt we don’t want that. My blood went from boiling to pure steam when he told that perfectly calm woman to relax. That was after pointing straight at her AND taking (wh...

Perfect Syrup Chugging Champion Shirt

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This is coming from a person who likes cute champions, Lillia’s design is Perfect Syrup Chugging Champion Shirt very bland. I mean she’s cute yes, but she’s basically a Doe Neeko. You can make a Doe Champion and give her an interesting design, but no, you give us this…maybe her kit can save her. Yeah, I’m just finding that out, not only that but her abilities have the similar magic-flowery type like deal Neeko has going on too..smh..My disappointment is immense. Just sounds like normal Tokyo ben. Certain words will be totally different, and unless it’s bc my mom is also Kansai I don’t hear a difference. I just don’t understand how not a single soul at riot who interacted with this champion at Perfect Syrup Chugging Champion Shirt any point in time stopped for a moment and said “hey you know what? this champion looks a lot like a week. I think people won’t like that”. As a Scottish person, the accent they’ve given her is absolutely terrible… is this what Riot thinks Scots sound like...

Premium Native Woman No More Stolen Sisters Missing And Murdered Indigenous Women Vintage Shirt

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Someone stole my mature 6-foot tall tree in Philly. It was some sort of Premium Native Woman No More Stolen Sisters Missing And Murdered Indigenous Women Vintage Shirt pine, that was really bushy with a thick trunk. Had to weigh 150lbs. They left a trail of dirt down to the corner, where the bus stop is, then you could see by the pile that the mulled around a bit. I can only assume that they then boarded a Septa bus in the dead of night with a gigantic tree, shooting dirt from its root ball. Just visit your local Amish chapter and they’ll put on a new roof in less than a day. Just be aware that you may also end up with a brand new barn, so plan accordingly. We should all rise to Premium Native Woman No More Stolen Sisters Missing And Murdered Indigenous Women Vintage Shirt the occasion like this. Thatch which does not kill us only makes our message stronger. May the crime of stealing OP’s sign hangs over their heads for a long time. We will perpetually stand up for what is right. T...

Pretty My Name Is Daryl Vintage Shirt

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I’ve worked a lot against racist extremist groups and I’ve worked directly with both people in the klan and neo-nazis. What Davis does is so much further in the right direction than the current and Pretty My Name Is Daryl Vintage Shirt prevailing strategies. The value of his work is not in the people he de-converts either, other than to them for whom I’m sure it’s pretty important. Davis humanizes. He humanizes himself to them which has rescued a few of these people. More importantly, he humanizes them to us. This just isn’t true. Racists don’t care about humanizing. It’s that simple. Racism is a system and an individual belief. They don’t always intersect either. Individually some racists are Pretty My Name Is Daryl Vintage Shirt committed to racial identity and many more racists don’t consider themselves to be racists in the first place. Some racists frame their racism as an act of love or advocacy, although certainly, no white nationalists do. It’s far from simple. Yeah, people ...

Top Goat Pew Pew Madafakas Vintage Shirt

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I used to have a pet goat who would run up just to Top Goat Pew Pew Madafakas Vintage Shirt meet me even though it wasn’t feeding time. Just wanted to hang out and maybe play some headbutt wars. They have a surprising social intelligence. Yes, but I avoid that by resisting with my monkey hands, you can see their tail wag when you push back while holding their horns. My dad’s goats will follow him around the place as he’s working on stuff. They just like to be around whatever’s going on. Sounds like cows. If something is happening, they are Top Goat Pew Pew Madafakas Vintage Shirt all gonna be there checking it out. When I did satellite installation I ended up working at a lot of farms and the cows would always crowd around to get a view of what I was doing, but if I tried to go say hi they would all immediately back away from the fence until I gave them space lol. Sure they didn’t just think it was feeding time? Cows on farms associate people with “about to drop our food nuts in a ...